There are 38 Spells in the Game, divided into 6 Categories. At the Start of Chapter 5 Patrus
has 11 Spells, and during this Chapter he can only add five or six. In Chapter 7 he will have
a better chance of adding to his Spell Inventory, i.e. if Owyn hasn't been there already and
emptied all the Chests of their Scrolls! Some of the Spells below are described as "unavailable to Patrus". This is not strictly true in all cases. If Owyn has sold any Scrolls to The Grumbling Magician in Dencamp (in Chapters 1 - 3), Patrus will be able to buy them. |
CATEGORY 1 [6 Spells]
Originally Patrus has three of these. The other three
are either unavailable or useless (but see below).
Patrus can buy this from The Grumbling Magician (Dencamp) in Chapter 5, but that would be a mistake, since he will never meet a single Black Slayer!EVIL SEEK
Held by Patrus.FETTERS OF RIME
Held by Patrus.FLAMECAST
This Spell is not available to Patrus.SKYFIRE
Held by Patrus.STRENGTH DRAIN [version-dependent]
In version 1.01 Patrus can get this Scroll from a Mound of Dirt in Dimwood (North Sector, near Western Waterfall), if Owyn hasn't been there first! In version 1.02 it is unavailable.#
CATEGORY 2 [8 Spells]
Originally Patrus has only one of these. He should be able
to obtain at least four more (but see below).
Held by Patrus.GRIEF OF 1000 NIGHTS
Patrus can get this Scroll from the FARRIER Chest in North-West Dimwood, if Owyn hasn't been there first!MAD GOD'S RAGE
Patrus can find this Scroll in the LOGS Chest in North-West Dimwood. (This Scroll will only be here in Chapter 7, meaning that Owyn can't get it first.)MIND MELT [version-dependent]
In version 1.01 Patrus can get this Scroll from a password-protected house in Dencamp (if Owyn hasn't been there first!). In version 1.02 the Scroll is unavailable. Utterly so!
[If you're handy with a Hex Editor, save the game, and change HEX # 2754 (decimal) to 1C. This will allow you to enter the House and get the Spell!]THOUGHTS LIKE CLOUDS
This Spell is unavailable to Patrus.TOUCH OF LIMS-KRAGMA
This Spell is unavailable to Patrus.UNFORTUNATE FLUX
Patrus can obtain this Scroll from a Trapped Chest [63-200] in South-East Dimwood. Of course, Owyn may have been here already!WRATH OF KILLIAN
Patrus can get this Scroll from one of the Six Invisible Magicians near Dencamp in Chapter 5.#
CATEGORY 3 [8 Spells]
Originally Patrus has two of these. He should be able
to find three more. See below.
Patrus can't get this Spell, and won't ever need it.FIRESTORM
There is no way for Patrus to obtain this Spell.GAMBIT OF THE EIGHT
Patrus can get this Scroll from the TROLLS Chest in South-East Dimwood, if Owyn hasn't been there first!INVITATION
Patrus can get this Scroll from one of the Six Invisible Magicians near Dencamp in Chapter 5. He can also buy it in Dencamp, but this would be a waste of good money.RIVERSONG
Paturs can find this Scroll in a Mound of Dirt in North Dimwood, near the Western waterfall (if Owyn hasn't picked it up already).STEELFIRE
Held by Patrus.THY MASTER'S WILL
Patrus can't get it, and won't need it.#
CATEGORY 4 [7 Spells]
Originally Patrus has only one of these. He should be able
to find four more. See below.
Patrus can get this Scroll from a Spellcaster South of Northwarden in Chapter 5.DANNON'S DELUSIONS
Patrus can buy this Scroll in Chapter 5 from The Grumbling Magician in Dencamp for a price of 265 Gold Sovereigns.GIFT OF SUNG
Held by Patrus.HOCHO'S HAVEN
Patrus is unable to obtain this Spell.MIRRORWALL
Patrus can only get this from the MATTRESS Chest in North-East Dimwood, if Owyn hasn't taken it already.SKIN OF THE DRAGON
Patrus is unable to find this spell. [It is the Webmaster's opinion, that the game designers blundered seriously in making both HOCHO'S HAVEN and SKIN OF THE DRAGON unavailable to Patrus.]WINDS OF EORTIS
Patrus can find this Scroll in an ordinary Chest in East Dimwood, if Owyn hasn't anticipated him!#
CATEGORY 5 [5 Spells]
Originally Patrus holds two of these.
He will not be able to obtain the rest.
Never needed by Patrus.CANDLE GLOW
Held by Patrus.DRAGON'S BREATH
Not available to Patrus.STARDUSK
Not available to Patrus.UNION
Held by Patrus.#
CATEGORY 6 [4 Spells]
Originally Patrus has two of these, and should
be able to add one more.
Not available to Patrus.SCENT OF SARIG
Held by Patrus.THE UNSEEN
Patrus can find this Scroll in either the PATH Chest in North-East Dimwood, or in the LOGS Chest in North-West Dimwood (if Owyn hasn't been too greedy!).