Scroll Price = 800.0

Cost = 20
Damage = Variable

Line of Sight = NO

Dabeh's Fanciful Trinkets

Cullich (Ch. 4) [300.0]

Trapped Chest in SE Dimwood
Well/Tent N of Harlech
Trapped Chest in Sleeping Glades
Locked Chest in Sethanon (Upper)
BOOK Chest in Sethanon (Lower)
Trapped Chest in Sethanon (Lower)

UNFORTUNATE FLUX summons a Swarm of Sprites who attack the Enemy. The Damage seems to be wildly random, i.e. anywhere between 30 and 130 points.

This is extremely difficult to test. Preliminary tests have shown that at least 100 tests for each Enemy would be needed to establish the behaviour of this Spell. [Any willing testers out there with a lot of time on their hands?]

Our tests suggest the following (based on 260 tests, involving 26 Enemy types):

The average Damage caused by this Spell is approximately 75 points.
45% of the time it will fall between 65 and 85 points.
75% of the time it will fall between 55 and 95 points.
The lowest Damage observed was 33 points.
The highest Damage observed was 127 points.

Three Enemies are obviously quite Immune to the Spell:


Furthermore, our tests strongly suggest the following:

PANTH TIANDNS and TROLLS suffer Damage x 1.5
TSURANI SPELLWEAVERS suffer Damage x 0.5

The Webmaster strongly suspects more variations, which can't be expressed here, until extensive tests have been made.