ZONE 2 - Sarth
Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 6


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



Obviously a traitor. He will tell you a lot of nonsense about a tempest, but all he's trying to do is to lure you to his barn where Nago and friends are waiting for you. It will cost you 10 Gold Sovereigns to get exact directions, but don't bother - you can't miss the barn anyway, when you reach it (south of the Temple of Sung).


Brother Marc will be found tending his cornfield east of Sarth in Chapters 1, 2, and 3 (M#1), but in Chapter 6 he will have moved slightly to the West (M#6). Marc is a mine of information. Make sure you ask him about EVERYTHING, and note that his Keywords vary between Chapters. Most importantly:

Not to be confused with Temple of Ishap near Loriel, or Chapel of Ishap at Malac's Cross.
Bless Type #2 - Price: 25 + 70% of Basic Price
Basic Curing Factor = 55
Teleport = NO

SARTH is closed in Chapter 6, but can be entered via the Mines, if you have the necessary MAP. Brother Marc will tell you where the MAP can be found (Eggley), but first you need Stellan's Key (Crossroads North of Krondor in Chapter 6).

This Trap is quite easy. The Character closest to the Transparent Trap Crystal can easily push it in front of the Blaster. The Blast will hit a Trap Pole, and ruin it. Now any Character can pass between the two Trap Poles and exit the Trap.

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 2. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 09 ( West of Sarth ) Zone 2 Chapter 1-3 Enemies= 3
MA 024 0105 06 38 21 04 18 39 47 48 00 SKA74 LAM77 LCR80 QUA08 PIC03
MF 025 0605 05 31 23 03 13 37 43 52 00 SKA49 BSW99 WHT20
MS 026 0406 05 30 26 05 18 40 48 00 71 SKA100 2HB90 BRO40 RTT05 POW01 HRB04 16.00 DESP+SKIN+THOU+STRE
Combat # 17 ( S of Questor's View ) Zone 2 Chapter 2-2 Enemies= 5
MA 048 0308 07 38 30 04 19 38 41 58 00 SKA63 BSW74 LCR65 QUA12 KRO04
MA 049 0506 06 28 26 04 16 48 50 57 00 SKA75 BSW83 LCR61 QUA14 RTT13 WHT20
QA 050 0205 04 26 20 04 22 57 33 40 00 SKA78 BSW81 LCR50 QTA09 RTT01
QP 051 0406 08 28 20 02 22 61 45 40 00 SKA90 BSW69 RTT01
QA 052 0604 07 20 26 03 19 75 33 43 00 SKA68 BSW50 LCR69 QUA08
Combat # 24 ( N of Sarth ) Zone 2 Chapter 3-3 Enemies= 5
MF 075 0106 03 30 19 03 14 56 37 00 00 SKA68 BSW53 WHT20
MF 076 0306 05 39 33 05 13 38 36 56 00 SKA51 BSW87 WHT20
MA 077 0508 06 37 33 05 15 36 50 46 00 SKA84 BSW72 LCR68 QUA19 RTT13
MA 078 0706 03 34 16 05 21 44 32 00 00 SKA83 LAM60 LCR97 QUP05
MS 079 0607 05 23 24 05 10 52 47 00 77 EAR90 LAM97 RTT14 BRO80 RED01 DESP+FLAM+SKYF+HOCH+GRIE
Combat # 25 ( S of Sarth ) Zone 2 Chapter 3-3 Enemies= 4
RG 080 0105 04 23 15 04 17 33 39 53 00 SKA73 BSW52 HRB03 00.31
RA 081 0305 05 22 22 05 19 54 48 51 00 SKA73 BSW55 LCR83 QUP11 RTT10 08.00
RG 082 0406 06 25 28 05 13 42 46 46 00 SKA90 BSW50 TOR05 13.00
RG 083 0604 06 37 28 04 14 43 42 57 00 SKA56 BSW96 GPK01 09.00
Combat # 34 ( S of Questor's View ) Zone 2 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 4
MA 125 0105 07 39 31 03 14 40 42 54 00 EAR85 LAM99 MCR74 QUP13 WHT20
MF 126 0307 05 25 33 04 16 40 32 64 00 EAR82 2HB92
MA 127 0505 04 31 17 05 14 42 30 00 00 SKA95 2HB86 MCR89 QUP18
MF 128 0606 06 30 25 03 14 45 42 48 00 SKA80 BSW90
Combat # 35 ( W of Sarth ) Zone 2 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 4
MA 129 0106 04 36 24 05 17 43 41 54 00 SKA89 LAM87 MCR81 QUP15
MF 130 0208 02 44 27 04 18 42 46 00 00 SKA93 2HB91
MA 131 0406 07 34 35 04 19 39 49 61 00 EAR49 BSW99 TLC90 QEA10 RPP06 WHT20
MF 132 0606 04 45 18 05 12 41 45 00 00 SKA94 2HB82
Combat # 36 ( S of Sarth ) Zone 2 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 6
RA 133 0107 04 36 29 04 15 59 47 58 00 SKA80 2HB77 MCR87 QUP19
RG 134 0307 04 25 28 04 20 33 40 51 00 EAR49 2HB76 34.00
RA 135 0509 05 22 33 03 18 46 50 64 00 SKA80 BSW97 MCR86 QUF09 DRA01
RA 136 0706 06 31 18 03 14 55 44 63 00 EAR48 BSW93 MCR86 QEA09 RTT10 PRA10
RG 137 0204 06 34 20 04 14 32 37 55 00 SKA93 LAM95 RPP05 LEW03 27.00
RA 138 0605 06 21 22 03 14 47 35 41 00 SKA90 BSW93 MCR76 QUP13 NOX02 WHT20