Chapters 1, 2 and 6


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



You can talk to Limm in Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 6. You can buy Picklocks from him (12 for 25 Gold, which is cheap) at all times, and his supply seems to be limitless. If you've talked to Lysle Rigger in Chapter 2, Limm will give you a Glazer's Guild Seal. In Chapter 3, even if he won't allow you to enter the sewers, he will give you as many Virtue Keys as you want, sell you an Amulet of the Upright Man for 300 Gold Sovereigns, and improve your Stealth (+10) for 120 Gold Sovereigns. In Chapter 6 he will offer you some odds and ends for 100 Gold Sovereigns: Restoratives [24], Torch [3] and the Crawler's Spynote (#27).
TIP: In Chapter 3 you can gain 15 points of Stealth from Limm, if Stealth is SELECTED (only).


Kat will be here in Chapter 6. She wants you to find the Idol of Lassur. If you give it to her, she will reward you with important information. (You may, however, want to keep it for yourself, but beware: it subtracts 20 points from all your skills!)


JAMES (Jimmy the Hand)
James is here in Chapter 1. He will give Locklear, Owyn and Gorath the Royal Key of Krondor, needed to enter the Palace. If you investigate the MAP above, you'll see that the Nighthawks (Combat #1), keeping you away from James, are the only Enemies you MUST fight in order to finish Chapter 1.


At the start of Chapter 2 Gorath and James will be alone to begin with, but before they exit the Sewer they will run into Owyn. Owyn can be encountered in THREE different places, depending on the route taken. If you check the above MAP carefully, you will see that Gorath and James can easily find the Spellcaster without running into a single Enemy!


In the Upper Sewers there are a few Ladders leading up to Krondor Palace. Most of the Locks are ruined, but this is the only one that works. You must have the Royal Key of Krondor to open it, and only James can give it to you.

This is a rough table of all Enemies in the Zone A1 Sector. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 01 ( Sewer Upper NW ) Zone B1 Chapter 1-1 Enemies= 3
NH 001 0105 04 32 24 04 18 66 46 52 00 SKA51 BSW63 RTT07 HRB02 07.00
NH 002 0304 04 41 32 05 17 39 42 55 00 SKA99 LAM87 14.00
NH 003 0605 04 38 22 04 19 39 41 54 00 SKA96 LAM64 BRO56 HAM09
Combat # 02 ( Sewer Upper NE ) Zone B1 Chapter 2-6 Enemies= 4
RG 004 0105 06 30 34 04 14 35 30 45 00 SKA63 BSW95 PRA10
RA 005 0304 04 27 16 05 19 48 37 44 00 SKA58 BSW91 LCR87 QUA12 05.00
RA 006 0604 05 23 21 03 20 59 37 62 00 SKA54 BSW87 LCR76 QUA18 RTT04 00.10
RM 007 0505 05 29 33 03 17 35 54 00 75 EAR40 BSW83 RSS01 BRO80 POW02 HOCH+SKYF+GRIE+SKIN
Combat # 03 ( Sewer Upper NE ) Zone B1 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 3
RA 008 0204 04 37 27 05 19 46 46 56 00 SKA59 BSW66 LCR82 QUA16 DRA02
RG 009 0405 05 20 29 05 16 45 40 48 00 EAR43 LAM90 TOR02 00.10
RG 010 0604 05 34 25 05 20 30 46 55 00 SKA63 2HB61 PEK01
Combat # 04 ( Sewer Upper S/Ladder ) Zone B1 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 2
RG 011 0305 04 32 17 03 15 52 49 41 00 SKA72 BSW81
RG 012 0505 05 39 30 04 13 35 44 44 00 SKA97 BSW85 RSS02 RES03 18.00
Combat # 05 ( Sewer Upper SE ) Zone B1 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 3
RG 013 0105 06 40 30 04 19 35 46 55 00 SKA86 BSW87 RTT10 TRU03
RG 014 0305 05 29 24 05 18 56 37 56 00 SKA93 LAM71 WHT01 FRO04
RG 015 0505 05 20 16 04 14 50 34 53 00 SKA51 BSW92
Combat # 06 ( Sewer Upper East ) Zone B1 Chapter 2-6 Enemies= 5
RG 016 0105 06 30 17 05 14 46 36 48 00 SKA82 BSW58 BRO67
RG 017 0405 04 22 35 04 14 41 34 49 00 EAR44 BSW83 RTT09 POW02 00.26
RG 018 0705 04 32 31 04 16 34 33 43 00 SKA92 LAM61 RSS04
RM 019 0204 04 33 32 03 16 51 59 00 85 SKA80 BSW70 GIFT+SKYF+GRIE+SKIN
RM 020 0604 04 26 26 03 10 48 37 00 77 SKA68 BSW88 RTT06 11.00 HOCH+SKIN+UNFO+THOU
Combat # 07 ( Sewer Upper South ) Zone B1 Chapter 2-6 Enemies= 2
RM 021 0104 04 29 29 03 15 39 41 00 84 SKA91 BSW61 RES03 12.00 GRIE+SKIN+FETT
QA 022 0604 06 21 18 04 18 59 44 63 00 SKA91 BSW52 LCR73 QUA10 09.00
Combat # 08 ( Sewer Upper SW ) Zone B1 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 2
RG 023 0104 04 29 15 03 18 52 36 58 00 SKA68 BSW94 SLV01 12.00
RA 024 0504 05 37 33 05 17 38 47 42 00 SKA82 BSW91 LCR53 QTA08 PEK01 00.44
Combat # 09 ( Sewer Upper SW ) Zone B1 Chapter 2-6 Enemies= 4
RG 025 0304 05 34 34 03 14 48 35 42 00 SKA62 BSW70 00.11
RG 026 0504 06 24 35 04 14 42 50 40 00 SKA90 LAM79 00.12
RG 027 0403 05 38 24 04 15 47 49 40 00 SKA68 BSW77 00.14
RM 028 0405 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SKA96 BSW80 RUB40 FLAM+GRIE+SKIN+STRE