ZONE 8 - North of Bridges
Chapter 6


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



Beware! If you enter this area, you will fall asleep every time you take a step. Rations will be consumed at an alarming rate! The mechanics here are not easy to establish, but it seems that the following can be relied on:

Each LARGE STEP takes approximately 31 hours. This means that one, and sometimes two, Rations will be consumed per step.

The Basic Skills Maxima get raised as time passes. If you have HUGE amounts of Rations, you can pump up the Basic Maxima by spending a lot of time exploring the Sleeping Glades. (Not really recommended!)

You can reach the Ancient Valheru ruins without entering the Glades. Having crossed the West Bridge, go West, staying as close to the river as possible. When you reach the Western Hills, go North, hugging the hillside. DO NOT veer East!

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 8. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 04 ( At West Bridge ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 2
WG 008 0205 03 58 31 03 26 61 52 81 79
WG 009 0505 02 60 42 02 27 64 48 82 84
Combat # 09 ( East Bridge (NW end) ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 2
WG 027 0203 04 43 31 03 29 63 53 71 77
WG 028 0505 03 55 35 03 30 63 57 77 69
Combat # 10 ( Road NW of East Bridge ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 3
WG 029 0204 03 46 45 03 26 58 56 78 74
WG 030 0605 05 53 36 03 25 62 47 72 89
WB 031 0408 04 51 47 03 30 75 45 76 75
Combat # 11 ( Junction North of West Bridge ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 4
WG 032 0104 03 54 33 03 29 60 55 79 64
WB 033 0404 05 49 50 03 30 55 46 76 71
WB 034 0704 05 57 32 03 34 56 48 76 71
HA 035 0208 07 31 22 04 10 31 41 00 90 FRO02 GIFT+UNFO+FETT