ZONE 8 - Calin's Valley
Chapter 6


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



Calin is a mine of important information, so pay heed! He can also improve Gorath's Crossbow Skill and Owyn's Stealth by 10 points. Finally he will give you the Key of Lineages, needed to enter the Ancient Valheru Ruins, and the spell THY MASTER'S WILL.

TIP: The skills will improve by 15 points, if they are SELECTED (only).


This Trap is devious. The solution shown here may, perhaps, be shortened by one or two steps, but basically this seems to be the only possibility.


The Trap, as such, is simple. Push the Transparent Crystal until it triggers one of the near Blasters, either of which will deactivate the Pole Current. The far Blaster is now easily clogged with the Solid Crystal. This may sound simple, but it can't be done unless you get rid of the Enemies first!

This is not easy. Owyn can not cast a spell, until the Wyvern next to him is dead, and Gorath is unable to attack this Wyvern from his original position. The Moredhel Spellcaster must be killed as soon as possible, but he will probably cast UNFORTUNATE FLUX at Owyn, before you can kill him. Which is the best way to navigate this Trap?

Here's an excellent solution, suggested by Larry Paff: Owyn pushes the Transparent Crystal diagonally as soon as he can. This move places him next to the Spellcaster, who now can't Cast. This Spellcaster has no Weapons, so he will just stand there helpless, while Owyn whacks at him. Gorath concentrates on killing the two Wyverns (who can be be distracted by summoning Beasthounds or Rusalki).

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 8. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 12 ( North End of East Trail ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 4
MA 036 0105 05 34 34 04 17 37 39 49 00 SKA98 2HB92 TLC77 QUP13
MA 037 0504 05 25 21 05 14 37 30 49 00 SKA97 RAP80 TLC88 QUP11
HA 038 0307 05 31 16 03 10 47 40 00 89 LEW01 GIFT+MIND+UNFO+FETT
HA 039 0605 05 29 20 03 10 50 50 00 88 FAD04 49.00 HOCH+GRIE+UNFO
Combat # 23 ( Trap in Calin's Valley ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 3
MS 074 0302 00 38 14 00 14 52 41 00 70 HOCH+FLAM+GRIE+UNFO+THOU
WG 075 0201 00 44 50 00 26 56 58 83 87
WG 076 0401 00 44 48 00 29 60 50 84 63 EAR85 2HB88 RES03 32.00