ZONE 8 - West Bridge / South Trail
Chapter 6


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



Gorath will get Drunk [100%] if Owyn allows him to drink from this well!


ELIAEM, the Rusalka of all Rusalki
Eliaem will give you a Quest to perform. Return to her an Eliaem's Heart, stolen from her by a Moredhel Spellcaster. The Spellcaster (and 4 Rusalki) will be found near the Western Bridge, but if you already have a Heart, this will do just fine. Eliaem will reward you with 12 packs of Rations [14], and the Magical Shell needed to restore the Guarda Revanche. Sounds simple, but unfortunately this a buggy place in all versions:

Version 1.01. If you don't have enough empty slots in the inventories, some of Eliaem's gifts will go into a Bag. Unfortunately the Bag can only hold 10 Items, so if you don't have at least 3 empty slots, the Shell will be lost! So, before handing over the Heart, check the inventories and make sure Gorath and Owyn have at least 3 empty slots between them. If not, stash some Items in a Bag.

Version 1.02. The Bag will now hold all 13 Items, but if you need to re-access it, the Items will become hopelessly garbled. The only sure-fire way of avoiding this bugged Bag is to make sure Gorath and Owyn have 13 empty slots to begin with. This is easily done by having them stash some stuf in a Bag (or two) before the Heart is handed over.

So why this huge number of Rations, enough to last Gorath and Owyn for 84 days? If you enter the Sleeping Glades (in the North-West) the reason will become apparent! Another reason may be that after Chapter 6 has been finished, Gorath and Owyn will return in Chapter 8, where Rations can't be easily found (although there are actually quite a lot of them).

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 8. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 01 ( South Trail ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 2
WG 001 0205 04 40 47 02 29 57 54 77 85
WG 002 0506 02 40 31 02 29 61 48 79 73
Combat # 04 ( At West Bridge ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 2
WG 008 0205 03 58 31 03 26 61 52 81 79
WG 009 0505 02 60 42 02 27 64 48 82 84
Combat # 05 ( Near West Bridge ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 5
MS 010 0306 00 21 11 03 10 41 55 00 90 EAR62 KIN56 ELI06 34.00 HOCH+SKIN+UNFO+THOU
RU 011 0205 00 31 25 04 20 48 41 00 68
RU 012 0303 00 38 26 02 10 39 36 00 66
RU 013 0505 00 45 23 02 19 35 41 00 65
RU 014 0604 00 31 22 04 20 30 37 00 76