NORTHWARDEN - Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5


A treacherously narrow path wound its way up to the front gates of Northwarden Castle, scarcely wide enough to allow two men to walk abreast.
ENTER EXIT (invalid?)
The path turned.

The road before them was well travelled. Locklear saw it switch back several times before climbing towards a large garrison. "Northwarden," he said. "Do you think we should go in for supplies?"

They bid Northwarden farewell.

After half an hour's journey, they had returned once more to the main road.

Locklear strolled into the trees. Noting a suspiciously ordered pile of leaves, he suspected that someone may have hidden something underneath.

Locklear strolled into the trees. Seeing a suspiciously ordered pile of leaves, he prodded its depths but was relieved to find that no one had left a trap behind. Still curious, he continued to burrow.

Everywhere Locklear looked, polished metal gleamed. As much a temple to war as any Temple of Tith, the cramped shop offered a startling variety of weapons and armor.


A sign hung on the wall.

Mender On Call. Ask the Shopkeeper!

The shopkeeper whistled.

Cringing at the sound, Locklear glanced up to see what bargain the keeper wished to call their attention to, but instead it seemed the man was calling to someone else. "Didn't mean to startle you," the man said. "Just trying to find if my mender is still about today."

"You have a tinker in your employ?" Locklear asked.

"Sometimes, when he chooses to show up," the shopkeeper said amiably. "He can fix nearly anything---crossbows, armor, swords. You name it. And his work looks like brand new. Would you like to speak to him?"

Left as a legacy to Northwarden by a baron who cared more about leisure than practicality, the Great Hall was still maintained with a military discipline, no corner of it left unscrubbed or cluttered by the unnecessary.