HIGHCASTLE - Chapters 1, 2, and 3

[ZONE 5]

A grim reminder of the conflict between the Kingdom of the Isles and the Nations of the North, Highcastle drew its name from the heavy stone fortifications built on a tor which guarded the frontier town. To the distant north loomed Cutter's Gap, one of the few gaps in the wall of mountains known as the Teeth of the World.
ENTER EXIT (invalid?)
The road ramped up the mountain.

Pausing to catch his breath, Locklear motioned up the road then said, "Highcastle. Do you think we should pay a little visit?"

They bid Highcastle farewell.

After half an hour's journey, they had returned once more to the main road.

Everywhere Locklear looked, polished metal gleamed. As much a temple to war as any Temple of Tith, the cramped shop offered a startling variety of weapons and armor.


A sign hung on the wall.

Mender On Call. Ask the Shopkeeper!

The shopkeeper whistled.

Cringing at the sound, Locklear glanced up to see what bargain the keeper wished to call their attention to, but instead it seemed the man was calling to someone else. "Didn't mean to startle you," the man said. "Just trying to find if my mender is still about today."

"You have a tinker in your employ?" Locklear asked.

"Sometimes, when he chooses to show up," the shopkeeper said amiably. "He can fix nearly anything---crossbows, armor, swords. You name it. And his work looks like brand new. Would you like to speak to him?"

Despite the fact that light was dim and pooled only in shallow corners, the mood within seemed cheerful as the tavernkeeper animatedly related tales of mischief, reaping gales of laughter from people who had most likely heard his story dozens of times.
A soldier let them in.

Following the swirling tail of the man's white tabard, they were escorted into a well appointed study with large windows overlooking the marshalling yard of the castle. Seated in the casement just below it, a large man was watching the activities below with an absorbed fascination, occasionally scribbling down notes on a piece of parchment at his side.

"Baron Kevin, these men asked to be shown in," the soldier announced. "Shall I leave you?"

The red haired man nodded, motioning for them to take seats a little more conventional than the one he currently occupied. "What can I do for you gentlemen? I am afraid Baron Troville isn't here."

"That is quite all right. We were looking for insights about a possible attack on Highcastle," Locklear started. "Have you seen anything unusual recently?"

"Have I?" Kevin said with a laugh, his blue eyes twinkling. "I see unusual things every day. You don't work in a frontier fort and lead a boring life you know."

After relating several amusing stories, the Baron mentioned that an important bridge had collapsed to the north of Cutter's Gap, possibly stranding several goblins on the Kingdom side of Highcastle Gorge. "They are likely to begin attacking travelling merchants for food. If you are heading in that direction, I'd advise watching my step if I were you. And if you happen to stumble across those goblins, I'd appreciate it if you brought us back some evidence they were around."

"We might be passing that way, Locklear said with a shrug. "We don't exactly have an itinerary. If we don't know where we're going, then the people who are trying to silence Gorath here won't know either."

"I understand," the Baron said, favoring Gorath with a doubtful look. "Be careful in your journeys..."

A man met them at the door.

Dressed not in the mode of a common servant, but instead in the white tabard of a garrison soldier, he looked them over as if they were bulls for sale at market.

"If you have come to meet with Baron Troville, he is not here," he said at last. "He has gone to Darkmoor and we do not expect him back for some time."

"Is there anyone else about that we could speak to?" Locklear asked.

The man nodded. "Baron Kevin is about, but I'm afraid you will have to come back after dawn. He is sleeping and does not wish to be disturbed."

THE CASTLE: Return without Spynote
A servant lead them back to Baron Kevin.

"Hello! It's good to see you again," he said, greeting them with a big smile. "What news do you bring from the North?"

They told him briefly of their travels and he once again made them promise to bring him anything out of the ordinary should they return to the area.

THE CASTLE: Return with Spynote
Kevin met them at the door.

After exchanging pleasantries, they followed him as he lead them towards the kitchens where he had been originally bound. Turning a wide corner, they entered a small galley.

"So?" he asked, retrieving something to snack on, handing them all food to snack on as well. "What have you discovered in your travels?"

Wordlessly, Locklear retrieved the note they removed from the dead goblin and handed it over, watching carefully as the Baron read over its contents. At last he crumpled the parchment into a ball as he spoke, "Delekhan will have to do better than putting such an obvious plant over the bridge. He is trying to convince us to take a force across the river since we so obviously outnumber the meager forces there. We won't be falling for that trick," he said resolutely. Taking a large bite out of a joint of beef, he mumbled around his food. "Reminds me of the tactics the Tsurani used while I was serving the Lady of the Acoma on Kelewan."

"I'm sorry the information we brought back wasn't of more value," Locklear apologized.

Baron Kevin straightened, "No need to be sorry. The message you brought back tells us that Delekhan is operating in this area -- perhaps has his sights set on Highcastle. At any rate, you deserve to be recompensed for your efforts. Before you leave here I shall see to it that 200 gold are given to you."

"That is most gracious, but --"

"Please, no false modesty," interrupted the Baron. Breaking into an eager smile, he slapped Locklear's back. "It's not as if I'm giving away my own money anyway. I don't think Baron Troville would have minded."

At last they agreed to take the money, and said their goodbyes.

Rain slanted out of the sky.

Squiffing through the muddy pass, Locklear stared miserably at the broken remnants of a bridge which had once spanned Highcastle Gorge. Blinking rain out of his eyes, he looked to Gorath. "The bridge has been sabotaged," he spat. "Three days of this back to Highcastle unless you have any other ideas."

Gorath scowled and shook his head. "I don't know what would be gained by turning back into the Northlands. I think it just as well the way is blocked."

"I have my reasons," Locklear shot back, angry that the trip had been a waste of time. "Let's head back to Highcastle."

CUTTER'S GAP (invalid?)
Locklear shook his head. "The freezing snow will kill us if the moredhel don't," he said. "We'll have to consider Cutter's Gap blocked for the time being."
[ZONE 5] [TOP]