
While I discovered no evidence of Gamina at the ruin, I have learned the manna on this planet has undergone metamorphic concretion, or in simpler terms, transformed into crystal. As there is no natural phenomenon that can account for this, I can only assume the change was engineered by an agency of the most supreme order. It is doubtful the Valheru could have mastered it as it would have had cataclysmic effects beyond their control, though it may have given Draken-Korin the inspiration for the Lifestone under Sethanon. I can only assume at this point the ancient gods of this planet may have used the tactic to drive away the Valheru. Again, this you would know better than I.

I made my discovery when I touched one of the crystal columns in the ruin and sensed the power of it. At the same time, I sensed within what I will tentatively call an intelligence because I felt the stirrings of mind-speech though no specific thoughts ever formed. If you go to the ruin don't touch the central column. I felt greatly ill for several days after touching that particular column, though I am not certain of the cause and avoided the rest thereafter. Perhaps after I have found Gamina, I will have opportunity to learn more.

Pug of Stardock