The Moredhel Alphabet

Gorath can, of course, read Moredhel, so this won't be a problem in Chapters 1 - 4, 6, 8 and 9.
In Chapters 5 and 7, Patrus needs to cast the UNION Spell in order to decipher and solve the Riddles.
This will cost him 15 Health/Stamina points every time, so why not learn the Moredhel Alphabet?

Here are the basics (see below for variants):

A J S 1
B K T 2
C L U 3
D M V 4
E N W 5
F O X 6
G P Y 7
H Q Z 8
I R 0 9


The letter L appears in many forms, as it tends to combine with whichever letter follows it. The form shown above is mainly used whenever L appears on its own. The actual usage, however, differs in many ways:

This is the "basic" L. As you can see, it is quite (but not completely) different from the stand-alone L shown above. You will spot this form at the end of words (where no letter follows), and in combinations where L merges with the following letter.

Here are some combinations:

 L +  A =  LA
 L +  D =  LD
 L +  E =  LE
 L +  I =  LI
 L +  K =  LK
 L +  O =  LO
 L +  R =  LR
 L +  S =  LS
 L +  U =  LU
 L +  Y =  LY

The double-L is a special case:

 L +  L =  LL

LL can, of course, merge with the following letter. Here are two examples:

 LL +  A =  LLA
 LL +  O =  LLO

Example: The word FOLLOW. This is basically

, but is actually written as:


L can even merge with a punctuation mark! In the example shown below L merges with the full stop:

 L +  . =  L.

Of course there are exceptions to the above rules! For example the word LOOK is written with the stand-alone form of L, which does not merge with the following O as usually:


whereas BLOODLESS is written as:


Finally here's a text for you to try out your skill at reading Moredhel.
(Pointing at the picture may help)

SPIDER. In the all the world, none can compare, to this tiny weaver, his deadly cloth so silky and fair.