Zones 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7


After exiting the Krondor Sector of Zone 2 towards Darkmoor, Chapter 2 can be finished without leaving Zone 3. In the Walkthrough I've suggested that it might be a good idea to re-explore Zones 2 and 1 first, mainly in order to visit Brother Marc in Sarth, and perhaps in order to perform the Joke Quest, and the Kobold's Quest.

You can also enter Dimwood (Zone 7), and explore Zones 4 and 5 in this Chapter. If you haven't done so before, you should first consult THE SPECIAL CHAPTER 1 PAGE, which lists all the Combats encountered here in Chapter 1, most of which will carry over to Chapter 2, if unfinished.

Below, you will find listed, by Zone and Sector, ALL COMBATS first appearing in Chapter 2. Sectors which contain NO NEW COMBATS will be skipped. The number in [Square Brackets] indicates the last Chapter in which the Combat can be fought.

ZONE 2: Sarth Sector
Combat 17 2 Moredhel + 3 Quegians [2] Visit Brother Marc.
ZONE 2: Questor's View Sector
Combat 16 Black Slayer [2] Talk to Grimm at the Tavern.
ZONE 2: Sector North of Questor's View
Combat 15 4 Moredhel Warriors [2]
ZONE 2: Eggley Sector
Combat 19 2 Moredhel + 1 Quegian [2]
ZONE 2: Silban Sector
Combat 18 5 Moredhel Warriors [2]
The Grey Combats can only be fought AFTER DARK,
and can be avoided if Haggling Skill is 45 or better.
ZONE 1: Zun Sector
Combat 23 5 Moredhel Warriors [3]
ZONE 1: LaMut Sector
Combat 22 4 Rogues [2] Re-enter the Mac Mordain Cadal.
Sumani can tell you a joke.
Combat 21 5 Rogues [2]
ZONE 1: Yabon Sector
Combat 20 4 Moredhel Warriors [3]
ZONE 1: Tyr-Sog Sector
Combat 29 4 Rogues [2]
ZONE 1: Sector South of Loriel
Combat 28 4 Spiders [3]
Combat 27 4 Rogues [2]
ZONE 1: Hawk's Hollow Sector
Combat 25 4 Rogues [2] Is Isaac still here?
Combat 26 2 Spellcasters + 2 Spiders [3]
ZONE 1: Killian Sector
Combat 24 3 Moredhel + Spellcaster [3]
ZONE 7: Dimwood South
Combat 23 3 Moredhel + 2 Quegians [6]
ZONE 7: Dimwood South-West
Combat 22 2 Scorpions [6]
ZONE 7: Dimwood South-East
Combat 21 4 Scorpions [6]
ZONE 7: Dimwood North
Combat 20 4 Moredhel Warriors [6]
Combat 19 3 Witch Hags + 2 Moredhel [6]
ZONE 5: Eldpoint
Combat 15 3 Trolls [3]
ZONE 5: Highcastle
Combat 14 5 Trolls [3]
Combat 13 4 Trolls [3]
Combat 12 3 Trolls [3]
ZONE 5: Wolfram
Combat 11 4 Trolls [3] Meet PATRUS!
Combat 10 3 Moredhel + 2 Rogues [3]
ZONE 4: Cavall Run Sector
Combat 07 3 Spiders [2]
Combat 06 4 Spiders [2]
ZONE 4: Prank's Stone
Combat 05 4 Rogues [3]