Zones 3, 4, 5 and 7


Chapter 1 can be finished without leaving Zones 1 and 2. In the Walkthrough I've suggested that it might be a good idea to enter Zone 5, in order to go to the Temple of Dala. Zone 7 (Dimwood) is tempting as well, especially because of the Magical Scrolls which Owyn can find here. However, you can actually explore a huge area in this Chapter, and if you're adventurous enough, you definitely should. But before you do so, it is probably a good idea to thoroughly explore Zones 1 and 2, in order to build your Characters' skills and resources first.

The below is not a complete Walkthrough, only a bare-bones guide to what you can expect if you decide to do this. For more detail consult the MAP WEB.

If you exit Zone 1 East of Tyr-Sog, you enter Zone 5. You can now go to the Temple of Dala, Eldpoint, Highcastle, Wolfram, the Temple of Tith, Dencamp, the Diviner's Halls, and Northwarden. (Note that you can enter Dimwood (Zone 7) from the North in this Zone.)

If you then exit Zone 5 South of Northwarden, you enter Zone 4. You can now go to the Temple of Kahooli, Kenting Rush, Cavall Keep, Cavall Run, the Temple of Banath, and Prank's Stone.

If you then exit Zone 4 South of Prank's Stone, you enter Zone 3. You can now go to Romney, Sloop, Silden, Lyton, Sethanon, the Temple of Lims-Kragma, Malac's Cross, the Temple of Ruthia, and Darkmoor. (Note that you can enter Dimwood (Zone 7) from the South in this Zone.)

Exiting Zone 3 to the West, you will re-enter Zone 2, near to Krondor, and the cirle is closed.

It goes without saying that you can just as well make this journey the other way around, starting in Darkmoor in Zone 3, then going East, North, and West, and finishing it near Tyr-Sog in Zone 1. Interestingly the heaviest Combats will be encountered at the beginning of the journey, whichever way you go about it, i.e. in the Western parts of Zones 3 or 5. This is obviously meant to deter you.

The following notes are quite concise, and assume that you are familiar with the MAP WEB, and know how to consult it. This is mainly a list of Combats. Please keep in mind that many of these Combats can easily be avoided, but will then be carried over to Chapter 2. We will start the journey East of Tyr-Sog, having just entered Zone 5, go on through Zones 4 and 3, and finally take a look at Zone 7.

NOTE: The number in [square brackets] indicates the last Chapter in which the Combat can be fought.

ZONE 5: Temple of Dala Sector
Combat 09 6 Moredhel Warriors [3] At the Temple of Dala you can initiate the Grain Quest, which can only be performed in Chapters 2 or 3.
Combat 08 5 Moredhel Warriors [3]
Combat 07 5 Moredhel Warriors [3]
ZONE 5: Eldpoint Sector
Combat 06 4 Moredhel Warriors [3] One Moredhel has a Tuning Fork, extremely useful when fighting Trolls!
Combat 05 5 Trolls [3]
ZONE 5: Highcastle Sector
Combat 04 4 Trolls [3] You won't find the Goblins unless you've visited Highcastle first and talked to Baron Kevin. One Goblin has a Spynote. If you take it back to Highcastle, you will be rewarded.
Combat 03 5 Goblins [3]
Combat 02 4 Trolls [3]
Combat 36 Graveyard Shade [3]
ZONE 5: Wolfram Sector
NO COMBATS Visit the Temple of Tith.
ZONE 5: Dencamp Sector
ZONE 5: Northwarden Sector
Combat 01 3 Goblins [1] Minstrel Tamney can raise your Barding Skill.
ZONE C2: Diviner's Halls
Combat 04 2 Trolls [3]
Combat 05 5 Trolls [3]
ZONE 4: Kenting Rush Sector
Combat 13 5 Rogues (Endless) [3] Visit the Temple of Banath. Learn a trick from Navon. Find the Knight's Piece.
Combat 04 2 Trolls (Trap) [6]
ZONE 4: Cavall Keep Sector
NO COMBATS Talk to Count Corvalis.
ZONE 4: Cavall Run Sector
Combat 03 5 Rogues [6] Don't miss Dabeh's Fanciful Trinkets!
Combat 02 4 Trolls [6]
Combat 01 3 Trolls [6]
ZONE C1: Cavall Run
NO COMBATS! Surprise! Loads of treasures, and not an Enemy in sight until Chapter 3!
ZONE 4: Prank's Stone Sector
Combat 20 Graveyard Shade [6] Visit the Temple of Banath.
Combat 21 Graveyard Shade [6]
ZONE 3: Romney Sector
NO COMBATS Mitchel Waylander can raise your Haggling Skill (only in this Chapter). Visit the Black Sheep Tavern and listen to Jason's story (only in this Chapter).
ZONE 3: Sloop Sector
Combat 04 1 Rusalka [6]
Combat 21 2 Rogues + 1 Quegian Pirate [3]
ZONE 3: Two Inns Sector
Combat 03 4 Rusalki [6]
Combat 02 3 Rusalki [6]
Combat 01 1 Rogue Mage + 2 Rogues [6]
ZONE 3: Silden Sector
Combat 05 3 Rusalki [6] Visit the Temple of Eortis.
Combat 06 4 Rusalki [6]
Combat 16 5 Rogues [1]
ZONE 3: Lyton Sector
Combat 14 3 Nighthawks [3]
ZONE 3: Sethanon Sector
Combat 15 3 Nighthawks [3] In Chapter 6, the Shades will have disappeared.
Combat 07 1 Shade [3]
Combat 08 2 Shades [3]
Combat 09 4 Shades [3]
Combat 10 5 Shades [3]
Combat 11 5 Shades [3]
ZONE 3: Malac's Cross Sector
Combat 13 4 Nighthawks [3]
Combat 39 Graveyard Shade [6]
ZONE 3: Darkmoor Sector
Combat 12 5 Nighthawks [3] Don't miss Tuning Fork and Temple of Ruthia!
ZONE 7: Dimwood North-West
Combat 17 6 Scorpions [6] GRIEF OF 1000 NIGHTS
Combat 16 2 Scorpions [6]
Combat 06 2 Moredhel + 3 Quegians [6]
Combat 05 4 Scorpions [6]
ZONE 7: Dimwood South-West
Combat 09 3 Scorpions [6] NIGHTFINGERS
ZONE 7: Dimwood South
Combat 14 Witch Hag + 2 Moredhel [6]
Combat 12 Witch Hag + 4 Moredhel [6]
Combat 10 2 Moredhel + 1 Quegian [6]
ZONE 7: Dimwood East
Combat 18 2 Quegians (Trap) [2] WINDS OF EORTIS
Combat 13 5 Scorpions [6]
Combat 11 3 Scorpions [6]
ZONE 7: Dimwood South-East
Combat 08 3 Witch Hags + 2 Moredhel [6] UNFORTUNATE FLUX
Combat 07 3 Mordehel + 1 Quegian [6]
Combat 52 Graveyard Shade [7]
ZONE 7: Dimwood North-East
Combat 04 4 Scorpions [6] MIRRORWALL
Combat 03 Witch Hag + 2 Moredhel [6]
Combat 53 Graveyard Shade [7]
ZONE 7: Dimwood North
Combat 02 2 Moredhel + 2 Quegians [6] NIGHTFINGERS
STRENGTH DRAIN [Version 1.01]
Combat 01 3 Scorpions [6]
Combat 15 Rusalka [7]