Any type of Condition can be cured in a Temple, if you're willing to pay. This method should be avoided, especially if you're low on money, because ALL conditions can be cured in less expensive ways. For example, each use of Restoratives will lower ANY Condition by 5 points!

There are six types of Condition, all of which will affect your Health/Stamina and/or Skills:

STARVING. One Ration is automatically consumed at Midnight. If you don't have Rations in your inventory, a Starving Condition will result, and escalate with every Midnight that passes. The only realistic cure for this is to find or buy Rations.

DRUNK. It is quite beneficial to get Drunk before sleeping in a Tavern, if you've lost a lot of Health/Stamina points, or need to get cured of a Condition. If you need to sober up, don't go to a Temple, just sleep it off.

SICK. You can only get Sick by eating Spoiled Rations. This is not serious, if you don't allow it to escalate. A couple of hours' sleep will cure you. As a matter of fact, the Spoiled Rations will have no effect at all, if you are sleeping at Midnight (when they get consumed). The Sleep cancels the Sickness.

POISONED. This Condition results from eating Poisoned Rations, or being hit by a Poisoned Sword or a Poisoned Quarrel. This is serious! The Condition escalates fast, and needs to be cured as soon as possible; otherwise you will enter Near-Death state as soon as the condition reaches 100%. In some cases you may need to resort to a Temple to get cured, but don't do this unless you're sure you need to. Restoratives will subtract 5 points from the Condition with each use. A combination of Herbal Packs and Sleep is also quite effective, if you take care to re-use the Herbal Pack after 33 hours' Sleep.

PLAGUED. Quite rare. Can easily be cured by the same means as the Poisoned Condition (see above).

NEAR-DEATH. Often a Temple Cure is the easiest way out. The best "other" way is to use Restoratives. Even a 100% condition will be cured by 20 uses. Herbal Packs+Sleep in the Open, or Alcohol+Sleep at a Tavern is possible, but may take a lot of time (and Rations).

The COST of a Temple Cure depends on three factors: the Temple's BASIC CURE FACTOR, the CONDITION FACTOR, and the CONDITION LEVEL. This is best shown with an example:

The Basic Cure Factor (BCF) depends on the Temple.
The Condition Factor (CF) depends on the Type of Condition.
The Condition Level (CL) is a percentage, and will be expressed as 0.xx (i.e. 40% = 0.40).

The equation is: (BCF x CF x CL) + (BCF x 0.01) - result truncated to the nearest Royal.

At the TEMPLE OF KILLIAN the BCF is 65. The CF of Near-Death is 3, the CF of Poisoned is 1.

NEAR-DEATH 40% = (65 x 3 x 0.40) + (65 x 0.01) = 78.65 = 78.6
POISONED 54% = (65 x 1 x 0.54)+(65 x 0.01) = 35.75 = 35.7

It must be noted that each Temple Cure takes 7 hours. A Character suffering from an escalating Condition will get worse while waiting for treatment.

Below you will find tables showing the Condition Factor and the Basic Cure Factor.

SICK 0.4
Temple of SUNG 20
Temple of DALA 50
Temple of SILBAN 50
Temple of ISHAP (Loriel) 55
Temple of ISHAP (Sarth) 55
Temple of KILLIAN 65
Temple of KAHOOLI 65
Temple of TITH 65
Shrine of ASTALON 70
Temple of RUTHIA 75
Temple of GUISWA 75
Temple of BANATH 80
Chapel of ISHAP 100
Temple of LIMS-KRAGMA 150