Most of these items can easily be picked up from Caches and Enemies, and should never be bought, unless there is no other choice. Some items, especially the Aventurine and the Shovel, may be scarce, or hard to find at the beginning of the game.


3531 Rations can be picked up from Caches and Enemies.

389 are Spoiled, 450 are Poisoned.

Rations are for sale in some Shops and all Inns.

Rations are automatically consumed at midnight. If no Rations are present in Inventory, the Character will enter a Starving Condition, which will get worse at every midnight. This will affect Stamina, and ultimately Health and all other Skills. Beware of Spoiled and Poisoned Rations! There's a lot of them about, and if they're present in Inventory, they will get consumed, if no Normal Rations are available. Sick and Poisoned Conditions will result. Both Conditions escalate by the hour, and will adversely affect Skills. TIP: Spoiled Rations are actually quite harmless, if you make sure that your Characters are RESTING at midnight, when they are consumed. They will only get Sick if they are travelling. But even so, the resulting Sickness is easily cured by a couple of hours' sleep.


Caches (52) = 885
Enemies (63) = 216
Sold by 19 Shops

Each use will randomly regain 6 or 7 lost Health/Stamina points, and additionally reduce any Condition [except Healing] by 5 points. (The number of Conditions is irrelevant - even if multiple Conditions are present, they will ALL be reduced.)


Caches (42) = 342
Enemies (49) = 114
Sold by 20 Shops

Each use will result in 100% Healing Condition. 3% will be used up every hour, so the effect will last for 33 hours. The Healing effect is much greater during Rest. In fact, all the escalating Conditions (most importantly Poison and Plague) can be Healed by a combination of Herbal Packs and Sleep. TIP: Take care! If you haven't Healed fully after 33 hours' Sleep, you will need to re-use the Herbal Pack. Otherwise the Condition will start escalating again.


Caches (31) = 111
Enemies (23) = 58
Sold by 8 Shops

Some locks can only be picked, others can be opened with either Keys or Picklocks (if your Lockpicking Skill is up to it), still others can only be opened with Special Keys. Using Picklocks will raise a Character's Lockpicking Skill. If you're patient, you can raise your Skill by trying again and again, whenever you come across a Lock. If you come across a lock that you can pick successfully, you can raise your skill even faster by repeatedly picking it. Disregardless of who is holding the Picklocks, the game will always, by default, choose the Character with the highest Skill, but you can choose a different Character yourself. In Chapter 1, Locklear is the default Lockpicker, but Gorath really needs to raise his Skill, so make sure he's allowed to practice. TIP: Before Lockpicking (especially if you're in for a heavy session), make sure that ONLY your Lockpicking Skill is SELECTED. This will make it rise 50% faster!


Caches (27) = 112
Enemies (40) = 118
Sold by 13 Shops

If you can't see a thing after dark, or in a Dungeon, light a Torch (not in the Naphtha Mines, though). Each Torch lasts 8 hours. The Magical equivalents last longer: RING OF PRANDUR (24 hours), STARDUSK Spell [above only] (12 hours, if Cast at 15 points), CANDLEGLOW Spell [below only] (12 hours, if Cast at 15 points). It should be noted that the need for extra light may depend upon your hardware. I have played two different versions of BAK on three different computers, and never needed to light a Torch. Others have complained about extreme darkness, even at NOON!


Caches (27) = 256
Enemies (1) = 2
Sold by 16 Shops

Needed in order to swing over Pits in Dungeons. In order to cross a Pit, you must walk up to it, and then left-click it (as you would a Door). The game will take care of the rest. An hidden feature of Pits: If you fall into a Pit, punch (very quickly!) the "P" key on your keyboard. This will allow you to view the bottom of the Pit.


Caches (22) = 400
Enemies (1) = 12
Sold by 16 Shops

Needed in order to dig up Graves in Graveyards. Time will pass while you're performing Grave Robbery, so make sure your Rations are OK, if you're just about to desecrate a big Graveyard. Rations will be consumed at every midnight.


Caches (6) = 109
Enemies (41) = 452
Sold by 21 Shops

Needed in order to Repair Armor. The quality of the Repair will depend on the Repairer's Skill, so it is generally a good idea to give the Armor to the Character with the best Skill, have him Repair it, and then give it back. In the case of superfluous Armor you intend to sell - make sure you Repair it first, in order to get the best price possible. Each Use of the Hammer will raise your Armorcraft Skill. TIP: Before using the Hammer, make sure that ONLY Armorcraft Skill is SELECTED. This will make the Skill go up 50% faster! In the diskette version (1.01) the raising of Armorcraft was ridiculously slow. This was drastically changed in the CD version (1.02) = Free Download.


Caches (14) = 159
Enemies (105) = 1100
Sold by 20 Shops

Needed in order to Repair Swords. The quality of the Repair will depend on the Repairer's Skill, so it is generally a good idea to give the Sword to the Character with the best Skill, have him Repair it, and then give it back. In the case of superfluous Swords you intend to sell - make sure you Repair them first, in order to get the best price possible. Each Use of the Whetstone will raise your Weaponcraft Skill. TIP: Before using the Whetstone, make sure that ONLY Weaponcraft Skill is SELECTED. This will make the Skill go up 50% faster! In the diskette version (1.01) the raising of Weaponcraft was ridiculously slow. This was drastically changed in the CD version (1.02) = Free Download.


Caches (17) = 81
Enemies = None
Sold by 17 Shops

Needed in order to Repair Crossbows. The quality of the Repair will depend on the Repairer's Skill, so it is generally a good idea to give the Crossbow to the Character with the best Skill, have him Repair it, and then give it back. In the case of superfluous Crossbows you intend to sell - make sure you Repair them first, in order to get the best price possible. The Aventurine can NOT repair a BROKEN Crossbow (which needs to be re-Stringed). Each Use of the Aventurine will raise your Weaponcraft Skill. TIP: Before using the Aventurine, make sure that ONLY Weaponcraft Skill is SELECTED. This will make the Skill go up 50% faster! In the diskette version (1.01) the raising of Weaponcraft was ridiculously slow. This was drastically changed in the CD version (1.02) = Free Download.