A note from your Archivist

The site originally linked to Paul Combetta's Gateway to Krondor site, which has been offline for years. I've re-zipped the current version of the website. You can download it by clicking on the chest above. Below is the site creator's note maintained for historical purposes.

Original note from the site creator

You can now download the complete BAK Help Web in ZIP format. Click the CHEST (above), and visit Paul Combetta's GATEWAY website for more info.

You have two choices, either way. You can download the file bakwebfull.zip (14.6 Megabytes). This contains the complete Web. However, if your connection is slow, or if for some other reason you prefer to download the Help Web in smaller chunks, we have split the complete file into 10 files for you, Bakweb-01.zip - Bakweb-10.zip.

PLEASE NOTE: When you unzip the files, they should all go into the same directory on your hard disk. The front page of the Web is named krondor.html.

I am extremely grateful to Paul Combetta for hosting these files.
If you have problems downloading the zips, you are welcome to e-mail him at


You can also download the full, patched, version of BETRAYAL AT KRONDOR from Paul's site.