ZONE 6 - Harlech
Chapter 4


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



If you can kill the enemies, the Trap is simple. Use the Transparent Crystal to trigger the far Blaster, thus ruining a Green Pole. The Current gone, you will be able to pass between the two Poles, and EXIT. (The far Pole protects you from the Blaster.)


Because of the endless combats surrounding Harlech, you can not reach Moraeulf unless Owyn has learned the AND THE LIGHT SHALL LIE Spell from Cullich. If you've already been to the Inclindel Bridge, and talked to the Enemy Group north of the Bridge, Moraeulf will give you the password needed to cross the Bridge. (You don't really need this password, if you feel up to fighting the enemies.) He will chat, too.

Bless Type #3 - Price: 50 + 75% of Basic Price
Basic Curing Factor = 75
Teleport = NO

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 6. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 26 ( Harlech North ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 5
MA 125 0105 05 36 24 04 16 55 39 56 00 SKA93 2HB93 MCR76 QEA06 DRA04
MA 126 0305 06 29 31 05 20 47 45 53 00 DPA95 GOB83 THC80 QUP12 RUB46
MA 127 0505 04 26 22 04 16 35 37 64 00 SKA82 2HB97 MCR88 QUP14
HA 128 0207 04 31 20 03 13 40 52 00 93 SKA94 RAP68 PEK01 RED04 15.00 HOCH+SKIN+STRE
HA 129 0608 04 32 19 04 15 49 53 00 89 RTT08 49.00 DESP+UNFO+FETT
Combat # 27 ( Harlech East ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 5
MA 130 0205 06 28 32 04 18 36 48 64 00 EAR79 2HB93 MCR89 QUP17
MF 131 0407 05 26 22 05 21 49 34 00 00 DPA56 GOB91 RTT04 WHT11
MA 132 0604 07 33 21 03 20 41 34 61 00 SKA95 RAP79 THC80 QUP07 KRO03
MS 133 0404 03 28 12 03 16 47 51 00 76 EAR53 2HB94 20.00 FLAM+SKYF+MIND
HA 134 0006 07 27 21 02 15 45 53 00 90 SKYF+GRIE+UNFO
Combat # 28 ( Harlech South ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 5
MF 135 0205 04 35 23 05 17 60 47 00 00 SKA93 RAP58
MF 136 0505 05 27 16 04 15 50 33 00 00 EAR81 KIN51 WHT04
MF 137 0706 03 41 35 03 23 40 46 00 00 EAR53 KIN71 WHT07
OH 138 0304 05 55 64 03 30 46 54 00 71 KIN88 RSS03 TOR05 FRO03 DESP+GRIE+THOU
OH 139 0604 05 57 63 04 33 48 52 00 84 GOB73 HAM01 DESP+GIFT+SKYF+HOCH
Combat # 29 ( South of Harlech ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 5
MA 140 0105 07 29 24 03 14 44 45 47 00 EAR62 GOB66 THC80 QUP13 RTT07
MF 141 0306 02 45 15 03 19 45 42 00 00 SKA95 2HB81 RTT09
MF 142 0605 02 30 30 05 17 54 50 00 00 SKA81 GOB83
GF 143 0304 06 31 25 04 20 58 59 57 00 SKA88 RAP79 RES02
GA 144 0504 07 45 27 04 25 59 65 52 00 SKA81 KIN84 ECR90 QUP16 10.00
Combat # 36 ( Trap East of Harlech ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 3
MF 170 0403 00 41 16 00 20 45 40 00 00 EAR63 GOB72 RSS01 15.00
GF 171 0503 00 35 28 00 21 66 64 50 00 SKA93 2HB83
GF 172 0603 00 45 33 00 19 46 65 59 00 EAR77 2HB98 29.00