ZONE 8 - Chapter 6



The lay of the goods store was comfortably familiar, arranged in such a common sense fashion that it took only a few moments for Owyn to locate the items which interested him.
They knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

There were some shuffling sounds, then the door swung open and they found themselves staring down at a dwarf. "Well, bless me bones. What brings you lads so far from home?"

He invited them into his house, and offered them some fresh water for their pouches. He asked of their journey and they told him, briefly.

"You've heard about the troubles being had by the Elves, then?" he asked.

"Trouble?" questioned Owyn.

"Aye. Damnedest thing! Baby dragons have been attacking Elvandar. Warleader Tomas has been doin' his best to keep 'em out, but there's only so much he can do."

He talked some more of the attacks, and of the strange rock-like inhabitants that had been spotted in the Mac Mordain Cadal. They surprised him with a description of how they had killed one of the creatures.

Thanking him for his kindness, they left.

Owyn was greeted at the door by a familiar face.

"Welcome back, lad. What can I do for you?" inquired the dwarf from inside his house.

They spoke for several minutes, then Owyn waved goodbye. As they left he said, "The dwarf doesn't have anything new to tell us."

Owyn knocked on the door. Hickory scented pipe smoke slid underneath, curled gently around his feet. The smell had barely reached his nose when the door was flung open and they were greeted by a smiling dwarf, "Great day! Come in, laddies. Join us."

Over his left shoulder they could see several other dwarves seated around a small wooden table, onto which they were tossing small square stones.

Introductions completed they were invited to join the game. "Only five sovereigns, what do you say?"

YES (enough) YES (not enough) NO
Standing around the table, Owyn was given a stone and after a count of three all were thrown onto the table.

"Klapka," yelled one of the dwarves, grabbing the stone thrown by Owyn. "You lose, lad." He scooped all the coins into his lap.

"WHAT?" cried Owyn.

"'Twas a double dragon! The first to yell 'Klapka' and grab the other's stone is the winner," said the Dwarf. "Care to try again?"

"I'm afraid we don't have enough gold," Owyn said.

"Well, ya can't be playin' our game then, can ya?" said one of the dwarves sarcastically. "You can come back when you find some money."

"I think the bonnie lads are afraid," said one of the dwarves. "It was a mistake to ask 'em to play in the first place."

They left, amid a chorus of catcalls and taunts.

"Atta boys! Drop 'em in the pot and pick up your stones."

Once again, they tossed their stones on the table at the count of three.

This time, two of the dwarves stood up excitedly and yelled, "Vooka, vooka!" They picked up their stones and tossed them down again. After the second throw, one dwarf slammed his fist on the table and the other, grinning broadly, scooped all the coins into his lap.

"Ack, vooka stones. Care to try your luck again, lads?"


"Very good. I think your luck is about to change," said the dwarf.

They tossed the stones on the table for a third time, the strange markings on each side flipping and spinning wildly as they bounced across the table.

"Tabled!" said one of the dwarves cheerfully. "All coins stay on the table. Will you play again?"


Owyn tossed five more coins onto the table. Once again, at the count of three he threw his stone. This time, the settling of the stones was greeted by amazed silence as all the dwarves stared at the table.

"Ack!" yelled one dwarf. "It cannot be!" The others quickly joined in, and soon all were whispering and arguing amongst themselves in a language Owyn couldn't understand.

Finally, while the others looked on in disgust, the dwarf who had met them at the door spoke, "You threw a dragon, lad." Realizing the import wasn't sinking in he continued, "You threw a dragon and we all threw vookas!"

"Did we win?" Owyn asked, still confused.

"Kill me now. Aye! You won everything!" The other dwarves began to dump handfuls of coins on the table. "Must be over a hundred gold pieces. You'll be playin' again, won't you?

Before the dwarves had a chance to complain, Gorath picked up the coins and headed for the door. "You've gotta give us a chance to win our money back," the dwarf yelled after them.

They pretended not to hear.

The house seemed to be abandoned.

Prying open the front door, they entered cautiously. Inside, they found an assortment of furniture items, no doubt too heavy or bulky to move. Though it appeared there wasn't anything of value, the house was worth a careful search.

Owyn banged on the door with the side of his fist. After a moment, a man's voice called from inside, "What do you want?"

"Could you give us some fresh water for our pouches?" asked Owyn.

"There's a well just down the road. Now leave me alone."

Further conversation didn't seem worth the effort so they left.

No one had answered the first knock, so Owyn knocked again.

Finally, a hoarse voice called to them, heavy with a dwarven accent, "Who's callin' me?"

"We come from the Kingdom. Can we come in?" Owyn asked.

"Aye. The door's open, do as you like."

They opened the door and entered a dimly lit room, sparsely furnished. In one corner they could make out a shape, apparently laying on a bedroll.

"Come in. Come in. Rest your bones a minute," said the dwarf in a tired voice. With his eyes closed, as though he were seeing the event on the inside of each lid, he told them of his journey from Caldara, and of the wyverns he had seen circling Elvandar.

"The bloody moredhel are roamin' about, too. Took a sword in the side from one." He rolled over and they could see the deep gash extending from his hip halfway up his hairy back.

"Can we do anything for you?" Owyn winced at the gaping wound.

"Nah, it looks worse than it is. I just need a few more days to rest up, that's all."

They wished him well and left quietly.

Owyn was greeted at the door by a familiar face.

"Welcome back, lad. What can I do for you?" inquired the dwarf from inside his house.

They spoke for several minutes, then Owyn waved goodbye. As they left he said, "The dwarf doesn't have anything new to tell us."

TREE HOUSE North of Caldara
Gorath grabbed the rope, then planting both feet firmly against the tree, began to climb to the top. Owyn followed.

They stopped on a wide branch that was helping to support a small house. There didn't appear to be anyone about.

"Shall we go inside, young Owyn?"

They entered the small tree house.

"It appears that whoever left, did so in a great hurry," Owyn said.

Beneath a hammock style bed at the far end of the room Gorath found a chest, its cover ablaze with strange symbols painted a fiery red. Carefully, he opened the lid and looked inside.

"If that is your decision," Gorath said. He took hold of the rope and slid down to the ground. Owyn followed.

TREE HOUSE North of Caldara
Owyn grabbed the rope and used it to climb the tree. Once at the top he called to Gorath, who quickly joined him.

"Appears to be empty," said Owyn, breathing heavily. He moved to the side of the house, testing each step carefully. Then, cupping his hands on each side of his face, he pressed his nose against a small window and looked inside.

"I can't believe it," he said. "It looks like there is a treasure chest full of money in there. Let's go in and get it."

"No!" yelled Gorath, but it was too late to stop the young magician.

Owyn flung open the door, eyes still glittering with the treasure he was sure he would find inside. But instead of the sparkle of gold and silver, all he saw was a flash of bright light as a small explosion knocked the pair backward, out of the tree, and to the ground nearly thirty feet below.

"No!" commanded Gorath. "Do you not think it odd to find a treasure chest full of money inside an unlocked house?"

"Well...uh...yeah I guess it does seem a little strange."

"We should leave this place, and thank your God of Ishap that we still have our skin."

Owyn painfully climbed the rope leading to the house in the trees. Gorath followed him, climbing onto the main branch as Owyn peered inside, past the broken windows.

"Careful, my friend. Remember what happened last time you opened that door."

"I remember. I remember. Think it was rigged to go off more than once?"

"Not likely," replied Gorath, heading for the door. "But after the explosion I doubt there's anything left inside." He opened the door slowly and then, with building confidence, slipped inside, Owyn at his heels.

The explosion had scarred the walls of the building, no doubt destroying the trap and the fake chest that had been used as a lure. Owyn couldn't hide his disappointment as they climbed down the tree.

Gorath motioned for Owyn to join him.

Staring into the distance, then turning to look the other direction, the moredhel finally began to speak.

GORATH: If the adversaries we've faced are any indication, we can expect hardened opponents as we near Elvandar. Perhaps we should try to find a less combative path.


Like a braided white snake, the rope slithered upward and into the trees.

Grabbing the rope with both hands, Owyn pulled himself up, Gorath following close behind. At the top of the tree they found a small house with a strange elven looking sign on the front.

"A shop, young Owyn. Shall we enter?" asked Gorath.

A tall elf named Delcinad greeted them at the door and showed them inside.

"Warleader Tomas has visited my shop many times," he boasted as he brought out his items for sale.

"Perhaps we will come back then," said Gorath. "There may be something in there we would find useful."

They climbed down the tree and prepared to leave.

TENT West of Calin's Valley
As Owyn approached the tent he heard a gruff voice yell, "Who goes there?"

"Owyn Belleforte, and Gor...Thorgath of the Elves," called Owyn.

The tent flap swung open and a large man joined them in the clearing. He introduced himself as Blake Puget, a former scout for King Lyam in Rillanon.

"What brings you all the way out here?" Owyn wondered.

"I was treasure hunting in the Cadal when I heard news the moredhel were advancing on Elvandar. The elves are payin' me a pretty penny to help keep the dark bastards out." He eyed Gorath suspiciously, then continued. "Haven't had too much trouble yet, but the blasted Wyverns have kept me on my toes." He laughed a deep booming laugh, then fetched them some fresh water for their pouches. They thanked him for his hospitality, then left.

TENT West of Calin's Valley
The small military-style tent appeared to be empty.

Tracks in the dirt nearby indicated a possible scuffle had occurred, and judging by the looks of them Owyn was pretty sure he didn't want to stick around too long.

"Should we go inside and have a look around, my young friend?" asked Gorath.

Gorath approached the small tent cautiously. He stopped near the front flap and stood perfectly still.

"Are we just going to stand out here? Let's go in!" Owyn said impatiently. He pushed past Gorath and reached for the tent flap, pulling it aside.

The light of a thousand suns exploded around them, kicking, turning, knocking them from their feet in a rush of magical wind and fire!

"Let's see if you made a wise decision," said Gorath. He took several steps back, motioned for Owyn to do the same, and picking up a small rock threw it at the tent. It hit with a dull thud that was followed immediately by a blinding explosion that knocked them both off their feet.

Picking himself up off the ground and shaking dirt out of his hair, Owyn turned to Gorath and said, "Next time you do something like that, let me back up a little further okay? Like to Krondor maybe."

Owyn approached the tent cautiously.

"Perhaps we shouldn't try to go in there," he said. "That trap that went off was magical, and it could be rigged to go off again." But as he spoke those words, his memory of the powerful trap was beaten down by a feeling that, indeed, the trap was gone.

Before he could change his mind, and trusting his magical instincts, he closed his eyes and threw back the tent flap.

"You can open your eyes now, Owyn," said Gorath with a smile. "I think it is safe. Let us see what we can find."


From the South From the North
Gorath motioned for silence.

Though it had been years since he had lead his kin through the skirts of the eledhel forest on their escape from the Green Heart, the sights and smells were as familiar to him as the lines on the tips of his fingers. Yet, there was an unnatural feeling about the area they stood in.

GORATH: Something moves nearby, but it is not one of our blood or any forest animal whose movement sounds I know.

OWYN: I thought I was hearing something - a high pitched sort of whine. Coming from the north?

GORATH: It is the same sound. It might be to our benefit if we were to see what its source is.

OWYN: What if it's something that thinks we look like dinner?

GORATH: If it wish us harm, better that we know what stalks us and have the advantage in attack than to allow it to come and eat us when it chooses the moment, don't you think ? The choice is yours.

Gorath motioned for silence.

Though it had been years since he had lead his kin through the skirts of the eledhel forest on their escape from the Green Heart, the sights and smells were as familiar to him as the lines on the tips of his fingers. Yet, there was an unnatural feeling about the area they stood in.

GORATH: Something moves nearby, but it is not one of our blood or any forest animal whose movement sounds I know.

OWYN: I thought I was hearing something - a high pitched sort of whine. Coming from the south?

GORATH: It is the same sound. It might be to our benefit if we were to see what its source is.

OWYN: What if it's something that thinks we look like dinner?

GORATH: If it wish us harm, better that we know what stalks us and have the advantage in attack than to allow it to come and eat us when it chooses the moment, don't you think? The choice is yours.

The rusalki was trying to communicate.

In an odd language they were somehow able to understand, the rusalki spoke to them...

ELIAEM: Do not be afraid of me. I can see that your hearts are true and as such I will do you no harm.

OWYN: How do you know such things about us?

ELIAEM: I know many things. You are on a quest, are you not?

OWYN: Yes, we are. Can you help us?

ELIAEM: Not directly, no. Only if you would be willing to find the moredhel spellcaster who has been perverting the will's of my kin with a strange device, and retrieve from this man an item stolen from me. He holds an item named after my own person...Eliaem's heart. Return with it, and I will do what I may to assist you.

The rusalki was trying to communicate.

In an odd language they were somehow able to understand, the rusalki spoke to them...

ELIAEM: You have returned. Have you the artifact of which we spoke?

OWYN: We haven't found the moredhel spellcaster you sent us after...

ELIAEM: Westward, at a meeting of the waters. You shall find with him those of my kin whom he has bound to his will. Take care with them, for they shall fight as if you were an enemy born.

OWYN: Our thanks. We shall return as fast as we can.

Owyn stood before the Rusalki.

"Have you returned with the Eliaem's heart?" asked the creature.

Owyn nodded his head. He retrieved the heart and made his way, apprehensively, to the Rusalki. Hands trembling slightly he placed the object in front of the creature, then quickly stepped away.

"You have done what was asked, and now shall you be rewarded," it said, producing a dozen packages of rations. "Also, there is something which was left on the shores of this river ages ago which will be of assistance to you on the road ahead. Please take it in thanks from all of my kin."

OWYN: Is the shell valuable?

ELIAEM: In ways you may never fully imagine, but its uses are many. While it bears little on that which you seek, you may yet find another thing you desire.

OWYN: What of Elvandar? Which is the best route there?

ELIAEM: By two roads may you reach the Queen of the Eledhel. If you wander the main roads there are many hazards, but your enemies shall face you. Wander the path less travelled and you may find you face a less substantial opponent. In this, Prince Calin may be of some assistance. Fare well..."

ELIAEM: Perhaps I have misjudged your character. Your heart is as absent in your breasts as the one I seek is missing from mine. Be gone!

Owyn stood before the water spirit.

She smiled in an unearthly way at them, then motioned for them to leave.

"Let us leave her to her rest," Gorath said. "I think she's earned the right."

TREE HOUSE near Alcohol Well
Owyn was about to knock on the door when he heard loud voices coming from inside the small house. He listened but couldn't make out what was being said. He was about to knock again when the door swung open and three very loud and seemingly very drunk dwarves came charging out...

"...all that sand on the banks of the Endless Sea? That's what's left of all the Brak Noors I've killed. That's right! Don't you--" The bragging dwarf stopped when he saw Owyn and Gorath, then turned to face his friends, a look of surprise and concern clearly displayed on his bearded face.

"What are you doin' here?" he demanded, eyes shifting to something behind Gorath.

"We...uh...we're headed to Elvandar," Owyn said.

"Best you be goin' then. It's quite aways north a here." He gestured to his friends, but rather than leaving they went back inside the house.

Owyn felt eyes on his back as they turned to leave. "I wonder where they were going? They obviously didn't want us to follow them."

Owyn studied the well carefully. It seemed harmless enough, but they were on the outskirts of Elvandar, and anything was possible.

"Seems okay," he said, turning to Gorath. "I'm going to take a drink."

"No!" commanded the moredhel. "It is I who will drink from the well."

Owyn looked at Gorath.

Owyn nodded his approval.

Scooping some water into his hand, Gorath held it near his nose and sniffed. Then, tipping his head back, he poured the contents into his mouth and swallowed.

"How do you feel?" asked Owyn.

"It is not unpleasant. Perhaps I should try a bit more."

He scooped up some more water and drank it, almost greedily. Then some more...

"I think this well must contain healing water," said Gorath. "Because it is making me feel...wonderful. Kinda hot though. Are you hot?"

Owyn eyed him suspiciously, noticed the way Gorath's eyes were swimming around inside his head. "You're...drunk. What's in that well, straight ale?"

He grabbed Gorath's hand and drug him away from the well. "Come on, we have to get out of here."

"No!" Owyn yelled. "Neither one of us is going to drink from this well."

Gorath looked down at Owyn, feeling a mixture of amusement and anger. "Very well then, my young friend. We will not drink."


TREE HOUSE between Bridges
They climbed the rope and found themselves nearly thirty feet up, standing in front of a small tree house.

Before he could knock, an angry female voice yelled, "I have a sword, moredhel, and I'm not afraid to use it! Get out of here!"

Owyn called back, "We mean you no harm. We have a very important message for Warleader Tomas. Can you help us find him?"

The door cracked open and Owyn could see an eye and along pointed ear, framed on on eside with curls of black hair.

"Tomas is fighting the Wyverns that attack our borders. When he returns home you will find him north and west of here."

Owyn thanked her for her help and turned to grab the rope.

"If your intentions are not honorable, you will not make it to Tomas."

A familiar face greeted them at the door.

After several minutes of conversation the door closed and Owyn turned to leave. "She has nothing new to tell us," he said.

TREE HOUSE North of West Bridge
They climbed to the top of the tree and knocked on the door of the small tree house.

The door opened slowly exposing a dark skinned elf with wrinkled skin. He looked at them with only mild concern, and after a moment allowed them into his house.

"My name is Falan," he said, introducing himself. Then he turned to Gorath and said, "I have seen many returnings in my years, but none such as yours."

Gorath nodded slowly, but didn't speak.

Falan told them of the Wyverns attacking Elvandar from the north, and of the elves who were desperately trying to defend their borders from a moredhel invasion.

As they left, Falan pointed them toward Warleader Tomas. "He is due north of here. Good luck."

A familiar face greeted them at the door.

After several minutes of conversation the door closed and Owyn turned to leave. "He has nothing new to tell us," he said.

TREE HOUSE North of West Bridge
The coarse white rope swung back and forth in the gentle breeze.

"Ready?" Gorath asked Owyn, who obviously was NOT looking forward to the work it was going to require to climb to the top of the tree.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go. Follow me."

Painfully, he pulled himself to the top of the tree and, still panting, turned to watch Gorath's almost effortless ascent.

The small elven house midway up the tree was abandoned. Searching inside they discovered several empty boxes, each intricately carved; a hammock style bed; and a pile of dead leaves that had obviously blown in through the missing back window.

They were about to leave when Gorath spotted something in the trees above them. He climbed up to take a closer look as Owyn carefully scooted out further on the branch he was on. Pulling back a handful of scorched leaves revealed the badly burned body of a young male elf.

"I'd say this one fought a losing battle with a Wyvern," Gorath said grimly.

They descended the tree in silence.

TENT (North-East corner)
Approaching the tent Owyn had heard at least two strange voices coming from inside. Now, Gorath had drawn his dagger and was poised, catlike, next to the entrance. He motioned for Owyn to stand back.

With the skills of an accomplished assassin he threw back the flap of the tent and rushed inside. Owyn followed, ready to help. But by the time he entered one of the two moredhel soldiers was laying on the floor, clutching weakly at his throat as blood spurted onto the dirt floor.

The other soldier, though caught by surprise, had managed to grab his own dagger and stood with it drawn, facing Gorath. He faked a couple of jabs, then lunged forward slicing into Gorath's arm -- the same arm that grabbed his coat near the elbow, pulling him forward, and into Gorath's thrusting dagger.

He fell to the ground and Gorath finished the job with a slice across the front of his throat. "Search the tent quickly," he commanded in Owyn's direction. "Others may be nearby."

The tent reeked of death.

"If we must return to this tent then I suggest we do it quickly. The soldiers I killed may have comrades in the area."

TREE HOUSE near Dragontail Well
Owyn used the rope to climb to a strong branch near the top of the tree.

Gorath quickly followed, pulling himself up just as Owyn knocked on the door of the small tree house.

The shuffling sounds that had been coming from inside abruptly stopped. Owyn knocked again, holding onto a low hanging branch for support.

"Please go away," called a young elf from inside the house.

Owyn stepped closer to the door. "We aren't going to hurt you. We're friends of Tomas, and we need to find him."

The door opened slowly and a young elf emerged. In the room behind him, Owyn could see a box and several vials sitting on a small wooden table.

The young elf, though obviously intimidated by Gorath's presence, told Owyn of the moredhel and wyvern attacks on Elvandar. He went on to talk of the elven army and his mission to bring them several vials of water from a nearby well, a well purported to have a magical water that could permanently increase strength.

He seemed anxious to leave so they wished him luck as he packed up the remaining vials into the box. With barely a sound, and the box under one arm, he slipped to the ground and disappeared into the trees.

DRAGONTAIL WELL - without Fadamor's Formula
The well seemed ordinary upon first glance.

While Owyn leaned over the edge and looked into rock lined mouth, Gorath walked around to the back. Pulling away some vines that had ensnared the well he caught sight of a metal plate, handsomely engraved with elven markings.

"What did you find?" asked Owyn, joining Gorath at the back of the well.

"The elves call this well 'Dragontail.' When the magical water in the well is mixed with - " Gorath paused trying to make out the words, " - Fadamor's Formula, it becomes capable of increasing the strength of all who drink of it."

"We don't have any Fadamor's Formula," said Owyn.

"No, we do not." Gorath picked up his pack and got ready to leave. "Perhaps we shall find some and return here."

DRAGONTAIL WELL - with Fadamor's Formula
The well seemed ordinary upon first glance.

While Owyn leaned over the edge and looked into rock lined mouth, Gorath walked around to the back. Pulling away some vines that had ensnared the well he caught sight of a metal plate, handsomely engraved with elven markings.

"What did you find?" asked Owyn, joining Gorath at the back of the well.

"The elves call this well 'Dragontail.' When the magical water in the well is mixed with -" Gorath paused trying to make out the words, " - Fadamor's Formula, it becomes capable of increasing the strength of all who drink of it."

"We have some. Maybe we should test this magic well," said Owyn.

Owyn took the vial of Fadamor's Formula and slowly emptied its contents into the well. "Nothing seems to be happening," he said. "Perhaps this was another moredhel trick."

"Perhaps. But not all the magic in this world must be accompanied by twinkling lights and swirling fire." Gorath dipped a cup into the well and raised it to his lips. Glancing at Owyn, whose eyes appeared to be twice their normal size, he tipped back his head and let the cool liquid rush into his mouth and slide down his throat.

A wave of heat rushed through his body, then a wave of cold. He closed his eyes as tiny invisible fingers grabbed at his chest, then radiating outward spread to his arms and legs, then his hands and feet.

As quickly as they came, the sensations vanished.

"Are you okay? Did it work?" asked Owyn with great concern.

Without a reply Gorath scooped more water out of the well, handing it to him. Soon, they were on their way, both feeling better and stronger than ever.

"Uh, no. Maybe we shouldn't try it. We have more important things to do anyway," said Owyn, looking nervously at the well. "We'll come back and try it some other time, don't you think?"

Without giving a response, Gorath picked up his pack and left. Owyn scrambled after him.

OWYN: This is the Dragontail well. Why do you suppose the elves called it that?

GORATH: The well is supposed to increase strength when the water is mixed with Fadamor's Formula. Which we, of course, do not have.

OWYN: But what does all that have to do with the name?

GORATH: I have seen a small army crushed to death by the flick of a dragon's tail.

OWYN: We can do nothing else here. We should resume our journey.

"This is the Dragontail well," said Owyn. "Don't we have some Fadamor's Formula?"

"Yes, I believe we do. Do you really want to put it in the well, my young friend?"

OWYN: I'm beginning to feel...strange. I feel like laying down and taking a nap right here...

GORATH: We must be nearing the sleeping glades that Prince Calin spoke of. I recall he said we should remain close to the mountains once we passed north of a river's fork. We should be able to avoid the effects of the spell if he spoke truly.

Owyn suddenly felt very tired.

The urge to sleep overwhelmed him, consumed him. He turned to shout a warning, but before a sound could escape his lips his world went dark.

Nightmare images plagued him, ran through his mind like flames racing to feed on a kerosene soaked rag.

When he woke the next day, it was with the realization that an entire day had just been stolen from his life. Shaking the numbness from his limbs he saw Gorath doing the same. He picked up his pack and prepared to resume the journey.

Owyn again felt very tired.

Once again, sleep came quickly.

ANCIENT VALHERU RUIN - without Calin's Key
The door was locked.

"KNEEL BEFORE ME!" commanded a mighty voice that seemed to ring against every wall and corner of the room. The powerful force hit Gorath like a sledgehammer, knocking him to the ground.

"BRING ME THE KEY OF LINES," a voice commanded. Then it was silent.

They backed away quietly.

OWYN: Apparently we don't have the key we need. Where in this forest are we going to find the right one?

GORATH: It will be held by one in power for this is a place of ancient power. I cannot imagine such a loci of the Glamredhel left open for any and all to find. Of all that I know, only three would likely have the way to enter this place and Queen Aglaranna and Warleader Tomas lie at the end of our journey. Therefore, our only hope is that we can find Prince Calin. Perhaps he will know.

Owyn used the key.

Opening up the splintered door on rusted hinges, they peered into the darkened shaft that lead into the ancient ruins. Turning to Gorath, Owyn shrugged his shoulders. "So, shall we go in?"


The door was open.

They entered the cavern and Owyn noticed how cool the air felt upon his face. Wishing his clothes were heavier or his skin thicker, he rubbed his elbows as they descended in to the ruin.

A long corridor stretched before them.

"This must be the passageway up," noted Gorath. "If we go this way, it may take us a few hours to get to the end. Are we up to the climb right now?"


Hours passed.

Just as Owyn was beginning to wonder if they would ever see the light of day again, the walls of the stairwell widened and were illuminated by dim shafts of light piercing the darkness through an oaken door.

ANCIENT VALHERU RUIN - North Exit to Elvandar
A long corridor stretched before them.

"This must be the passage to Elvandar," noted Gorath. "If we go this way, it may take us a few hours to get to the end. Are we up to the climb right now?"


Hours passed.

Just as Owyn was beginning to wonder if they would ever see the light of day again, the walls of the stairwell widened and were illuminated by dim shafts of light piercing the darkness through an oaken door. Pushing it open, Owyn gasped at the marvel of the leafy canopy which spread above them.