ZONE 7 - Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6 - Dimwood
See also: Chapter 7


Beware! Dangerous forest!


WEST EXIT to Zone 1 (Hawk's Hollow) or Zone 2 (Silban)
Mist floated in the pass.

"This road branches a little further on," Locklear said. "To the west it leads towards Loriel and LaMut. To the south, it leads towards Eggley and eventually Krondor. Which way do you think we should take?"

Days passed.

Disliking the exposed feeling created by the defile, they moved quickly during the nights and left the days to resting under rocky overhangs and listening for assassin's footsteps. At last, footsore and road weary, they emerged near the town of Hawk's Hollow.

The trip was dull.

With only the occasional cold draft to chill their bones as they moved through the pass, it was a relief to finally feel the more temperate winds typical to the southern reaches of the Kingdom.

They turned back.

In a few moments they were back on the main road.

Someone was shouting at them.

The voice seemed to be coming from the house, but Owyn couldn't be sure. He listened intently for a moment and the shouting began again.

"Ahs jaunt scopions...Stah awah!" cried the voice.

"What's he saying?" asked Gorath.

Owyn pursed his lips and shook his head, "I can't tell...his accent sounds Hadati and I can't make it out. Perhaps we should go find out."

Before Owyn could knock, a scowling man appeared at the door. "Yah shoudn't have come," drawled the man with a heavy Hadati accent. "The dead ones in m'yard were all visitin' too."

With a look of concern on his face he turned to the man and said, "Maybe you should tell us what's going on."

The man sighed. "Alright. Mah name's Ockie. Ah'm a trapper. There's a witch woman livin' southeast of here -- causing all sorts of trouble. Scarin' away animals from mah traps! And when ah went to talk to her about it she cahst a spell on mah house! Giant scahpians appear every --" The man suddenly gasped and slammed the door.

Gorath was mumbling to himself. "Scahpions? Scahpians. SCORPIONS? ... Uh oh." Owyn prepared for battle.

"These things may have been created with some sort of cantrip, but one thing I do know -- they are not merely illusions!"

Ockie appeared frantic.

"You've got to do somethin' to help me! Ah'm gonna die in here if ah ca n't ever leave mah house! That witch woman -- AHH!" Screaming he slammed the door.

Owyn sighed heavily. "You know, the last time he did that..." He turned around in time to see several giant scorpions appearing before him.

OCKIE'S HOUSE (after Wilindi's Quest)
Ockie was not at home.

Owyn knocked on his door again, but receiving no answer he turned to Gorath and said, "He doesn't seem to be about. Let's go."

A female voice suddenly filled Owyn's mind.

"Ill has be done me, and I shall not speak until the wrong has been erased."

As quickly as it came, the voice was gone. Shaking his head to empty the intruder from his mind -- like salt from a shaker -- he then turned and banged on the door, trying to get a response from the owner.

Realizing that none was coming he decided they should leave...

WITCH WILINDI'S HOUSE (Quest performed)
A wrinkled woman answered Owyn's knock.

"I see in your mind that you have righted the wrong that had been done to me," she said. She thanked them, introduced herself as Wilindi, then sighed.

"People did not understand my magical talents so I moved to the Dimwood to live out my final days in restful solitude. I just wanted to be left alone."

Believing the old woman's story, Owyn said gently, "I'm afraid your hadati neighbor down the way believed you responsible for his trapping miseries."

The woman looked glum. "Such a simple man. Men like that often fear what they do not understand. I suppose I should've been more tolerant but when he killed some of my livestock and poisoned my well, I'm afraid I lost my temper and called forth the Scorpions to stalk his house. I didn't mean for anyone else to get hurt."

Owyn nodded.

"Here, sirs. For all your troubles I'd like you to have these things." She reached into the air twice and produced two vials of Lewton's Concentrate.

Owyn took them graciously and thanked her as he headed for the door.

WITCH WILINDI'S HOUSE (subsequently)
Wilindi met Owyn at the door.

"I'm so glad to see you again," she said. "How have you been?" They talked for a few minutes while she conjured up some tea and biscuits. After roughly half an hour, the tea and biscuits having disappeared as quickly, though not as magically, as they had appeared, Owyn decided it was time to leave.

The well looked inviting. Weeds grew around the base of the well in a tangled clump, a good indication it hadn't dried up.

GORATH: My throat has grown quite parched and my water pouch is nearly empty. Shall we get a drink?

YES NO (if Anti-Venom)
Owyn lowered the bucket into the well.

The bucket hit the bottom of the well with a splash and he waited for it to become submerged before turning the wooden crank to retrieve it.

Retrieving his water pouch from his pack Gorath filled it, then took a greedy drink as the others prepared to do the same...

GORATH: WAIT! Something...Ishap, we should've been more cautious. There is something in that well besides water. I think it's been poisoned!

LOCKLEAR: Are you sure? Why would someone want to poison their own well? Unless...

GORATH: ...unless someone is trying to poison the owner of this well.

Owyn stared at the bucket.

Moving out of the way, he tipped it over, spilling the poisonous contents to the ground, then watched the water as it trailed down the side of a small hill in tiny rivers, forming tributaries and islets in the dust.

A discouraged look set upon his face like a dark shadow, but then it just as quickly lifted. He tipped up the bucket and began to fish around inside. When he at last removed his hand he held a small red berry between his thumb and forefinger... "Silverthorn," he said.

Owyn stared at the bucket.

He tipped it up and began to fish around inside. When he at last removed his hand he held a small red berry between his thumb and forefinger... "Just as I thought, Silverthorn," he said. "We have some Silverthorn Anti-Venom in our packs. Shall we use it to de-poison this well?"


The Silverthorn Anti-Venom sparkled.

Moving quickly, Owyn poured a few drops of the precious liquid into the well. Then, after a moment's hesitation, he turned the vial upside down, spilling all the contents into the darkness of the watery hole...

OWYN: Let's hope that works. I pray to Ishap the water in this well hasn't already claimed the lives of the owners. I suspect they will be pretty grateful for what we've just done.

WILINDI'S WELL (De-poisoned)
Owyn lowered the bucket into the well.

The bucket hit the bottom of the well with a splash and he waited for it to become submerged before turning the wooden crank to retrieve it.

The water was cool and they drank greedily before filling their water pouches and preparing themselves to resume their journey.


SHOP: THE FIFE AND LAUREL (Chapters 1 and 2)
The tavern was locked tight.

Owyn pressed his nose against the front glass, holding his hands on either side of his face to cut down on the glare as Gorath spoke up, "This little sign says the place is called 'The Fife and Laurel.'

Owyn backed away from the window. "It hasn't been abandoned, but there definitely isn't anybody about."

SHOP: THE FIFE AND LAUREL (Chapter 3 and later)
The tavern was locked tight.

"The sign says this place is called the 'Fife and Laurel,'" said Owyn.

A man in dark colored clothes suddenly appeared behind them. "The Fife and Laurel is closed," he hissed. "It has been closed since the destruction of Sethanon. If you are looking for something to eat, there is good trapping to the southeast."

Before they could say another word, the man had slipped away...

The little shop was covered with dust. Like delicate wall hangings, silky cobwebs decorated every corner of the quaint old shop. The Dimwood was hardly a well travelled area and it was obvious the establishment received very few visitors.

NORTH EXIT to Zone 5 (Highcastle) - Chapters 1, 2, and 3
Locklear's legs ached.

It seemed that he'd been walking for eternity, and the long stretch of road which led to the north did nothing for his enthusiasm. "We can keep going this way, or we can turn about. Keep going?"


Snow capped the mountains.

Locklear motioned for a temporary halt as they came through the pass into their new surroundings. Vaguely he could sense the cold that was coming down from the north and could imagine it would be even colder on the other side of the Teeth of the World...

NORTH EXIT to Zone 5 (Highcastle) - Closed in Chapter 6
Owyn stopped.

He looked at the band guarding the pass ahead and called out, "Will you allow us safe passage?"

An answer was returned swiftly and with great authority, "By the order of Prince Arutha, we forbid you to come any further."

Cupping a hand to his mouth, Owyn called back, "We are on official kingdom business. You must let us pass.

"We have strict orders not to allow anyone further north," came the response.

Gorath stepped forward and stood next to Owyn. "What shall we do?"

"We are greatly outnumbered, we should leave."


Meet: SQUIRE PHILLIP (Chapters 3 and 6)

Locklear cleared his throat. He caugh't Gorath's attention, then stopped.

LOCKLEAR: How is it the moredhel have scouts in the Dimwood? And for what purpose?

GORATH: The moredhel we have seen thus far are all part of Delekhan's war tribe, though I too am puzzled by the number and purpose of these warriors.


SOUTH EXIT to Zone 2 (Eggley) or Zone 3 (Sethanon)
Mist floated in the pass.

"This road branches a little further on," Locklear said. "To the west it leads towards Eggley and eventually Krondor. To the east, it will take us near Sethanon. Which way do you think we should take?"

The trip was dull.

With only the occasional cold draft to chill their bones as they moved through the pass, it was a relief to finally feel the more temperate winds typical to the southern reaches of the Kingdom.

The landscape flattened.

Slowly the hills and trees began to thin, becoming far more sparse in the grassy midlands of the Kingdom...

They turned back.

In a few moments they were back on the main road.

CRAIG'S HOUSE - WITHOUT TRAP (Chapter 3 or later)
A wrinkled hand pulled open the door.

"Yes?" croaked a little man, his frail voice cracking with age.

James smiled, "We don't mean to bother you, sir. What news have you of the area?"

The old man dropped his head, and tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke. "Do not be deceived by what you see. The man before you is well less than half his apparent years."

"If what you say is true, how could this thing have happened?" asked Gorath.

"It is true indeed. I was trapping east of here -- had stayed about a month -- when I suddenly found myself growing weaker by the day. I decided to return home and during this journey I spotted a black robed man with a snake-like face."

"You think he is the source of your problems?" questioned James.

The man sighed. "I wish I knew. But now what am I to do? How shall I eat? I left behind my only ironjaw trap. I would be ever so grateful to have it returned. You shouldn't be affected if you don't stay long."

With a concerned look James turned to Gorath, then faced the man again, "We will see what we can do," he said.

The old man answered after the fourth knock.

"Have you brought my ironjaw trap?" he asked hopefully.

James shook his head, "We've come to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk," he whined. "I'm very very tired. I just want to sleep. My trap is several virgates to the East in an unlocked box. Return when you've found it and we'll talk." He disappeared into his house and closed the door.

CRAIG'S HOUSE - RETURN WITH TRAP (Chapter 3 or later)
James knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

After nearly a minute, the door cracked open, a gnarled hand finishing the task. "Have you brought my ironjaw trap?" asked the old man in the doorway.

James nodded.

"We have," he said, producing the trap.

"Bless you, sirs," wheezed the man. "I hadn't the strength to retrieve it myself. And without it I would sure die of starvation."

Trap in hand, the man went back inside his house. He returned a moment later with a something clutched in his fist. "This is for you."

He dropped a golden ring onto James's upturned palm, then snuck back into the house, closing the door behind him.

James shook his head.

"I'm sorry," he said. "We cannot help you just now."

The man sighed. "Very well, but please come back if you change your mind."


MAGICAL BARRIER (Chapter 3 or later)
James stumbled.

He fell to one knee as a wave of nausea swept the length of his body. His head still swimming, he climbed slowly to his feet, then turned to the others...

JAMES: There is something...very strange...about this place. For a moment I felt as though a...great force was reaching up through the ground and sapping my strength.

GORATH: I felt something as well. It must be the strange force that Craig spoke of when we spoke to him. Perhaps we should turn back until we can discover the cause. GORATH: I felt something as well. Perhaps we should turn back until we can discover the cause.

James’ stomach hurt.

He tipped back his head and gritted his teeth, trying to fight back the nausea that he felt welling up inside him. All color drained from his face, he drank in the air in big gulps, only to expel it again in short bursts through his pursed lips. Nearby, he heard the sound of retching, but didn't care to turn and look. It was enough to know that he was not the only one who had been afflicted with the sickness.

RETREAT before killing Pantathians
James struggled.

The ground was well suited for travelling, but he felt less suited to make the journey out of the cove than he did when he entered.

JAMES: I don't feel well. I don't know what happened to us back there, but I feel as if I've walked a thousand miles today.

JAMES+ (if Craig): I can understand a little better how that old fellow Craig said he wasn't half as old as he looked. It's as if there were something feeding on us back there. It's a good thing we weren't there as long as he was.

[WARNING repeated - see above.]

The puzzle worried him.

Though they had escaped alive, he still was bothered by the presence of the Pantathians in the area. He had no liking for the serpent folk, and their presence in the Kingdom so near the battle sight of Sethanon unnerved James a good deal.

JAMES: What do you think the Pantathians were after, Owyn? Do you think they were rooting around looking for something?

OWYN: With the Pantathians, who can tell? No one in the Kingdom knows exactly what they want, but they seem to get mixed up in nearly everything that's got a bad ending. My guess is that they were trying to channel the strength they were stealing into something else. Maybe they needed power for a spell.

JAMES: I am none to comfortable with the thought of that. I felt their powers when we entered the area, though I didn't know what it was I perceived.

JAMES+ (if Craig): At least we have come out of there none the worse for the wear. I imagine that Craig is beyond help. It is a good thing we didn't remain a month, as he did.

JAMES: Well, I don't know about you, but I feel almost normal again. I for one am glad the whole affair is over.