ZONE 1 - Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 6



OWYN: It's best if we move through town as quickly as possible. I left a wedding party here not too long ago and it might raise unpleasant questions if I were seen here again.

GORATH: We may need supplies.

OWYN: There's a shop here called the Crossroads where we might be able to pick up a few things. Otherwise, we should be cautious.

Everywhere Locklear looked, polished metal gleamed. As much a temple to war as any Temple of Tith, the cramped shop offered a startling variety of weapons and armor.

OWYN: Definitely not a good idea. This is my aunt's house. As much as I would enjoy the opportunity to explain why I'm travelling with a moredhel, I think we should leave.

Gorath pointed to the house.

"I don't know," Owyn replied to the unasked question. "I know it's not a relative's house..."

"Good enough," Gorath said. Turning on his heels, he marched to the door and knocked lightly as Owyn watched the street.

After a few moments a disheveled looking man answered the door. They talked for a short while and discovered the man had spent the better part of the night trying to break into a laundry shop that had recently gone out of business.

"The owner closed up shop and never returned the suit of armor I was having cleaned. If you can get in there, it's all yours. I'm very tired, if you'll excuse me I'd like to go to sleep now."

Locklear knocked on the door.

"Go away!" shouted a voice from inside. "I need to get some sleep."

Locklear was about to knock again, but thinking better of it, decided they should leave.

With the lock successfully picked, Locklear pushed open the door and the entered the small building.

"Looks like this used to be some sort of laundry shop, but apparently it has gone out of business," he said. "Let's take a look around."

The building creaked in a way that made Locklear nervous.

"You stay out here," he told Owyn. "Something doesn't feel right about this place. I'm going in to have a look around." When he returned a minute later, he had a grim look on his face.

OWYN: What did you find?

LOCKLEAR: There was an open chest lying on an empty worktable, looked as though it had been rigged with a system of trip wires and flints. The contents were no doubt explosive. Someone's been up to no good, and we best leave before they get back.

The face of the door was covered with a pattern; a strange semi-circle formed of oily black smudges that joined at the iron door latch. On closer examination, it seemed that the smudges were actually fingerprints of some kind.
FIRST VISIT (Chest not found) FIRST VISIT (Chest found)
"I really should have that cleaned, I suppose." Locklear jerked upright at the sound of the gruff voice. Padding from around the corner of the house, a balding man stopped next to Owyn and held up a palm stained with black ink. "A scribe tends to make quite a mess. Occupational hazard."


"Among other things," he said. "Currently I have accepted a commission on behalf of a travelling merchant to do a survey of all the mercantile boxes in the area." He cast a knowing look at Gorath. "Perhaps you would be interested in helping."

"And what would we profit of it?" Gorath said quietly.

"Information," the scribe replied. "I've acquired a book I think you'll find very interesting. There's a box just west of Hawk’s Hollow, on the southern side of a small hill. Find out what's in that box and I'll give you the book. Now leave me. I have much work to do."

"I really should have that cleaned, I suppose." Locklear jerked upright at the sound of the gruff voice. Padding from around the corner of the house, a balding man stopped next to Owyn and held up a palm stained with black ink. "A scribe tends to make quite a mess. Occupational hazard."


"Among other things," he said. "Currently I have accepted a commission on behalf of a travelling merchant to do a survey of all the mercantile boxes in the area. Perhaps you would be interested in helping..."

"And what would we profit of it?" Locklear said quietly.

"Information," the scribe replied. "I've acquired a book I think you'll find very interesting. There's a box just west of Hawk's Hollow, on the southern side of a small hill. I suspect it has been trapped. Find out for me and I'll give you my book."

Locklear frowned. "As it turns out, we have already found that particular box. It was trapped," he said.

"Oh! Well, better that you discovered it than me," he said. He walked to a small book shelf in the corner of his house and drew out a large volume. Returning he handed it to Locklear.

"Happy reading. Now, I really must be about my business."

SECOND VISIT (Chest not found) SECOND VISIT (Chest found)
Jeremy answered their knock at the door.

"Ah, my friends. I see you have returned. What can you tell of the box I asked you about?"

Locklear rubbed a loose floorboard with the tip of his boot. "We don't know."

"I cannot -- I will not -- give you the book until you tell me the contents of that box. I told you before, it's west of Hawk's Hollow and south of a small hill. Now go."

Locklear angrily shoved open the door to Jeremy's house.

"We shall have a word with you scribe," he spat. "You suspected that box was rigged to explode -- that's why it was the only one you hadn't surveyed."

"Believe what you like, but no. I had no idea it was trapped."

Locklear glared at the bald headed man who returned their gaze with contempt. "We should take it out of your hide, but provided you hold up to your end of the bargain, I suppose we'll let you be, as we have more important matters to attend to."

"What? More important than threatening scribes?" Jeremy snapped, picking up a book and thrusting it into Locklear's hands. "I'll not have you accusing me of being a shyster on top of any other crimes you care to manufacture about me. Get out of here."

Without a word they left, slamming the door behind them.


The shop was littered with castoffs, forgotten trinkets, lost items which few would want or need to reclaim. Here it seemed tarnish and rust were the things that were prized, the crumbling items to which they clung of only secondary value.

They entered a cheery commonroom.

As if grown from the floorboards themselves, a middle aged man appeared on the spot, and he showed them to a table set next to a roaring hearth.

"Geoffrey, owner of this tavern," he said with a pleasant smile. "Might I interest you in some food today?"

The tavernkeeper smiled. "Splendid!" he said. "What would you like?"

The tavernkeeper shrugged.

Joining them at the table, they exchanged jokes for the better part of an hour before other customers began to drift in.

"..and what was inside but four chickens!" Geoffrey finished with a guffaw. Slapping the table, he stood and withdrew towards the door. "I don't mean to be inhospitable, but I've got paying customers and few tables, so if you don't mind..."

"Certainly," Locklear said with a smile. "We need to be going anyway."

A man stumbled outside.

"I'm undertaker... Who's kicked it?" he asked, then amended, "I...I mean...who has departed to the other side?

"You don't sound as if you believe in life after death."

"The only thing lively going on in the graveyards is thanks to the living," he said with a chuckle. "Only last month, I was talking to the gravedigger who tends LaMut's yard. Told me someone had gone into his yard and dug a new grave! He has no idea who's under the stone."

"Why doesn't he go and dig it up and see?" Locklear asked.

He tapped the side of his head. "He's afraid a shade will get him. Supernatural humbo if you ask me. What's dead stays dead. Never seen a ghost in my life. Goodbye gents."

No one answered the door.

"He's probably passed out inside," Locklear said, remembering the man's condition. "Let's let him sleep."

A woman was on her way out.

"I really can't stop to talk," she said while tying an apron around her waist. "My husband Ethan's just taken off on another of his scavenging trips for the Three Hillmen and I need to watch the place for him. He's always coming back with heaping armfuls of stuff that people have lost or just dropped places. Come by sometime!"

In a few moments she had hurried out of sight.

Three hundred pounds of madman answered the door.

"Umhumh," the greasy looking farmer said to himself, sizing up Locklear in a single glance. "Shoulda known that some kind of stranger had to be responsible."

"For what?" Locklear prompted.

"Don't play stupid! You been keepin' me up for the last ten nights with those...rackets to the west!"

Locklear shook his head. "I'm afraid there's been a mistake. Really. We'll be leaving you alone now."

A shiny stone caught Gorath’s eye.

Upon closer inspection he realized the stone wasn't actually a stone at all. He had found a piece of metal poking up through the packed dirt. He bent down to take a closer look, tried to brush away the years of dust and dirt and rocks that had swallowed it and now refused to let go.

Digging with the edge of his sword to free it from its earthen tomb, he found the item was bigger than he originally suspected, but at last it was free. He had found an ancient suit of dwarven armor known as Grey Tower Plate!

Meet: FINN

Locklear shook his head.

"The cold will kill us if the moredhel don't," he said, "It's like Finn said, we'll have to consider the Inclindel blocked for the time being."

ROAD EAST OF TYR-SOG (Exit to Zone 5: Dala)
Gorath stared down the pass.

"If I recall my geography, this road skirts between the High Wold and the Teeth of the World," he said. "Ultimately it leads past the northern garrisons at Highcastle and Northwarden. What do you think? Do we take this path?"


Days passed.

To the north the mountains undulated like the scales of a great dragon, sloping ever higher as the Thunderhell Steppes gave way to the even more majestic range of the Teeth of the World. To the south, the mountains flattened out, becoming eventually a wide plain called the High Wold, which stretched south and curled at the feet of a minor range of hills.


Owyn stopped.

He looked at the band guarding the pass ahead and called out, "Will you allow us safe passage?"

An answer was returned swiftly and with great authority, "By the order of Prince Arutha, we forbid you to come any further."

Cupping a hand to his mouth, Owyn called back, "We are on official kingdom business. You must let us pass."

"We have strict orders not to allow anyone further east," came the response.

Gorath stepped forward and stood next to Owyn. "What shall we do?"

"We are greatly outnumbered, we should leave."



Enter: LAMUT



Owyn sniffed. Rubbing his irritated nose, he struggled against the urge to sneeze, but the smoky interior of the shop made it hard to maintain his demeanor. More annoying, the smoke obscured his view of the vials and jars which crammed the store shelves, most of which appeared to contain herbs or incense.

The tavernkeeper greeted them at the door.

Guiding them inside to a cluster of tables, he produced a sheaf of papers which had been inked with the name of various goods and drinks, above which had been written the name of the tavern, The Green Cat.

"Quite something, eh?" the tavernkeeper said in obvious admiration. "It's to become the fashion in all the taverns and inns, I hear. I believe the word for it is menu. Unfortunately I won't have anything on it for a while. So gents, can I get you a bit to eat?"

"Cash up front if you don't mind," he said, rubbing his fingers together.

"Nothing much good to eat here today anyway," the tavernkeeper smiled. "Good day to you then."

The door swung open.

Bleary eyed and smelling of alcohol, a fortyish looking man sneered at them. "Well, what do you want?" he shouted. "Out with it!"

"We were hoping you could give us directions."

"Directions?! Directions?!" The man's eyes blazed as he snared a wine bottle from the floor. "I'll give you directions!"

Before Locklear could react, he felt the impact of the wine bottle against his skull...

Locklear pounded on the door.

No one answered. Resigned that the drunk wasn't going to face them down in a fair fight, he shrugged and turned his back. "I don't guess he's going to answer it now," he said, touching a tender spot on his head. "Let's go on."

Locklear knocked on the door of the small wooden house, then waited patiently for someone to answer. After several seconds, a woman appeared and ushered them inside."I don't have time to talk unless it's really important, sirs. I have to finish preparing some mushrooms that I picked for the shopkeeper over at Keges. He nearly ran out of healing restoratives yesterday and you know what they say, 'You can kill me but you can't eat me'."

"That's a strange expression," Owyn said. "What does it mean?"

"To tell the truth, I don't know," the woman replied, her face brightening with a wide grin. "It was something that the Baron Kevin used to say. Never could make any sense out of it. Now if you'll excuse me I really must be running along."

ROAD SOUTH OF ZUN (Exit to Zone 2)
The pass was empty.

"It's a five day journey if the sign is to be believed," Locklear remarked. "It would also be an excellent place to stage an ambush. Think we should take the chance?"


Days passed.

Disliking the exposed feeling created by the defile, they moved quickly during the nights and left the days to resting under rocky overhangs and listening for assassin's footsteps. At last, footsore and road weary, they emerged near the coast of the Bitter Sea.



JOSEPH THE ANIMAL'S (Armorer's Shop)
FIRST VISIT (Repair needed)
Locklear gasped.

Severed heads spun in grey space before him as disembodied arms and legs flailed together with a sound much like the clashing scullery? Looking closer, he realized that the body parts were not in fact, body parts, but instead very tarnished pieces of armor that had been suspended from the shops rafters.

"You there, careful! It may all come down on our heads!" A gnomish man approached from the rear of the shop, a match held tight between his fingers. "Should have knocked. Nearly didn't hear you from upstairs - I can see why you came in though. Your armor is in quite a state. Another blow to your suit and you'll look like those lot up there. I'll fix you right up."

"If it's all the same, I'd prefer to buy an armorers hammer..."

"I'm sure you would, but I'm not in the business of ruining my livelihood. I'm an armorer and I make my living in repairs. People go fixing their own and I'm out of business. Right?"

Everywhere Locklear looked, polished metal gleamed. As much a temple to war as any Temple of Tith, the cramped shop contained a startling variety of armor.

Locklear surveyed their equipment. "Which of your items would you like repaired, today?" the mender asked.

The hermit waited inside the door.

"Ah, you've come back. Well then, I can go over your armor and do what I can."

A voice shouted at them from the house. "Go away! I am very, very busy at the moment!"

Locklear took a step forward, clearing his throat, "We would like to talk..."

"Have you candle wax in your ears? I said I was BUSY! If you need some armor repaired you can leave it for a few days -- but for now PLEASE GO AWAY!"

"Since our armor is all in good repair, perhaps we should leave," said Locklear, turning on his heels.



The lay of the goods store was comfortably familiar, arranged in such a common sense fashion that it took only a few moments for Locklear to locate the items which interested him.

Except for a thin strip of floor that led between the door, the counter and the stairs, a grey cowl of dust coated the inn's fixtures. The patrons of the inn seemed similarly stagnant as they glanced up lazily from their mugs of ale and brandy.

Locklear knocked on the door of the small house and after several minutes an angry woman appeared at the window and began to scream at them.

WOMAN: Keep your bloody sovereigns! I've decided--I'm not leaving!

LOCKLEAR: Why should we want you to leave?

WOMAN: I refuse, you hear me, I REFUSE! Now go away!

Locklear knocked on the windowpane. "She's not answering," he said.

The door opened a fraction of an inch.

"Your hands," a voice commanded.

"Pardon? What did you say?" Locklear asked.

"Show me your HANDS," the voice repeated from the darkness. "Palms up, thumb out. And don't make any sudden moves."

Faintly amused, Locklear complied and did as asked, extending both his hands for the stranger's examination. On command he turned his hands over, again waiting for the judgement of the voice in the house.

"You pass," the voice in the house pronounced at last, but his voice did not sound relieved. "All right then, listen carefully and don't ask any questions."

"What was all that hand business about?"

"I said no questions," the voice snapped. "Suffice it to say, I know that you can be trusted with what I have to say because you don't bear the sign. You should be on the lookout for scrolls or anyone bearing scrolls. Read them carefully. They could save your life. Be safe."

"Scrolls?" Locklear asked. "Why? What's on these scrolls? Does it have anything..."

Abruptly the door slammed shut.

No one answered the door.

Locklear shrugged. "Looks like he isn't in the mood to discuss the scrolls any further. I wonder what all that sign business was about."

A man invited them inside.

"Come in. My name's Lucan," he introduced himself as he slapped his guests on their backs. "Nice to meet you. I haven't had visitors in some while. You know it gets kind of lonely up here and the kids don't come down too often. You have kids? They're a marvel don't you think and..."

Locklear seized Lucan's wrist and gave it a savage twist, forcing a shiny sovereign to fall from the man's pained fingers. Everyone watched in shocked silence as the gold clattered to the floor.

"I almost didn't feel you nabbing that from my purse," Locklear said. "You're not bad thief, but not good enough."

"Don't kill me," Lucan pleaded. "Please. I don't have anything to give you, but I'll do anything. I'll...I'll teach you!"

"You'll what?" Owyn sputtered.

"I'll teach you, yes, that's it!" Lucan said, his face brightening. "Spare my life and...and I'll teach you what I know about locks! Everything! What do you say?"

Locklear arched an eyebrow... "Very well, Lucan," he said. "You may teach us, but if we leave here with any less than we came in with..."

"No, no, no. You have my word. Just sit here and I'll be right back. I'll go and fetch my practice locks and I'll be right back."

"Nice try, but no. You're staying here." Locklear pushed Lucan to a seated position. "Just tell Owyn where your practice locks are and he'll fetch them. Then we'll start our lessons..."

Having resigned himself to the fact that he wasn't going to escape, Lucan lectured and demonstrated for the better part of the day before he set his practice locks aside.

"That's it," he mumbled, wiping perspiration from his brow. "That's all I know."

"Good enough," Locklear said. "I think we will be on our way now. And Lucan, for your continued health, I would suggest that you get out of the thieving business."

Lucan sweated.

Staring at the thief contemptuously, Locklear scowled. "We're leaving now. I would suggest you make yourself scarce around here. I'm sure the local authorities will be most interested in your educational programs."

Locklear smiled. "Lucan's locked his door," he said. "Can't say that I blame him."

A sign hung by the door.

"It appears that Lucan is gone for a while," Owyn read. "This note promises that he will be back very shortly."

CHARNEL HOUSE (East of Hawk's Hollow)
When no one answered their knock they peered into the hut through an ash stained window pane. Inside they could see bones strewn across the dirt floor like forgotten toys, playthings of a death-god long gone mad. Against the far wall eyeless skulls were heaped one atop another with no particular sense of order or orientation.

OWYN: What is this place?

GORATH: It's a charnel house. When the graveyards fill up, they have to make way for new bodies, so they bring the old bones here. Let's go inside and have a look around.

OWYN: I've got a better idea. How about I stay out here and you go inside and have a look around?

"Oh no," Owyn cried. "Is it really necessary to come back to this place?

"I need to take another look around," Gorath replied. "You can stay out here if you like."

AMBUSH HOUSE (East of Hawk's Hollow)

It took some time to get everyone on their feet again. "Lets see if they left anything behind in the house," Locklear said.

EAST OF HAWK'S HOLLOW: Southern Exit (to Zone 2)
The pass ahead was empty.

"It's a two day journey if the sign is to be believed," Gorath remarked. "Think we should attempt it?"


The trip was dull.

With only the occasional cold draft to chill their bones as they moved through the pass, it was a relief to finally feel the more temperate winds typical to the southern reaches of the Kingdom.

EAST OF HAWK'S HOLLOW: Northern Exit (to Zones 2/7)
Mist floated in the pass.

"This road branches a little further on," James said. "To the south it leads towards Eggley and eventually Krondor. To the east, it leads through the Dimwood forest. Which way do you think we should take?"

The trip was dull.

With only the occasional cold draft to chill their bones as they moved through the pass, it was a relief to finally feel the more temperate winds typical to the southern reaches of the Kingdom.

They moved east.

For days they moved in mist, the moisture soaking into their clothes by day and chilling them by night. When at last the mountains sloped downward, the fog lifted and they found themselves standing at the edge of a great wood.



ORNO'S HOUSE (South of Loriel)
A piece of paper dangled from the doorknob.

"At all costs, travellers should avoid contact with Orno, known widely as Orno the Pale" Owyn read aloud. "A contagion of unknown proportions has already lead to the illness of three people. Avoid any contact with..." The door swung open. "...him." Owyn straightened himself as a haggard looking man in his mid twenties appeared in the doorway, his face covered with a bloody handkerchief. "You are Orno?"

"Yessss," he wheezed through his handkerchief. "And you' dohstep. Get away afore you get yourselves in-fec-ted."

"What is wrong with you?"

The man shook his head. "Don't know, doctor's don't know, priests don't know. Nobody knows. Only persons that's survived is Michele the Healer, but she's a ways off in Loriel."

"I see," Locklear said. "Well, we'll be off now. Sorry to have bothered you."

Again the man nodded. "I'z sure you will be. I'z sure of it."

The lay of the goods store was comfortably familiar, arranged in such a common sense fashion that it took only a few moments for Owyn to locate the items which interested him.

A closed sign hung by the door.

"Guess they're not too interested in doing business right now," Owyn said.

Quest not Active Quest Active
The door opened slightly.

Peering at them without opening the door all the way, a thin man rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "I'm not open for business right now. You'll have to come back later," he said.

"Business?" Glancing down the side of the house, Locklear looked for a sign or shingle, but none was in evidence. "What do you sell?"

"I'm a gems dealer---Keifer Alescook---but I don't have anything in stock right now, he said with irritation. "It's likely to be several weeks before I get anything again, so please go away."

Before Locklear could say another word Keifer had closed the door.

A thin little man greeted them at the door.

"I'm Keifer Alescook. Have you come to buy or sell some gems?" he questioned in a frail voice.

Locklear moved closer to the door. "We're looking for a ruby that may have been stolen by a group of Grey Warriors. Have you purchased any gemstones from such men?" "I don't know what you're talking about," the man said quickly. "I don't buy stolen merchandise. You might try talking to a fellow I ran into north of Hawk's Hollow about it. Name's Isaac if I recall." The man looked about nervously. "I' open for business right now. You'll have to come back later."

Before Locklear could say another word Keifer had closed the door.

The house's occupant was talkative.

Careful not to divulge any details about their trip, Locklear steered the conversation towards the townspeople. "Everyone here's fine folks, all except for Michele the Healer. I hope you're not planning to visit her."

"Why?" Locklear asked.

"She's a snake," he said. "Told me I was going to die, but you know what? I got better. Oh, I felt horrible enough for three or four days and thought I was going to die, but no, I made it through alive. I tell you, I think she and Orno the Pale have some kind of deal. He's giving them some kind of contagion and then she's administering some kind of phony medicine. It's indecent."

Michele escorted them inside.

The house was small but well appointed, its furniture very tasteful indeed for someone who seemed to be only a commoner. "You require my services," she stated. "You are ill."

Locklear shifted in his chair. "You sound very certain of yourself."

"You have the signs. I can heal you, but I require payment. 25 sovereigns. Will you pay?"

YES (enough) YES (not enough) NO
The exchange was made.

"Very well," she said, taking the money from Locklear. "Lay back for a moment and I will do my work." Unplugging a small vial of a clear liquid, she passed it under her patients' noses and then patted each on the head. "You are all healed. You may go now."

Locklear upended his empty pouch. "It seems we cannot pay," he said.

"Then it seems you will die," she replied. "After the fever takes your mind of course. Goodbye travellers. I feel sorry for you."

Locklear shook his head.

"As yet, I think we will manage on our own." Locklear said as he thanked their hostess. "You have been very kind."