KRONDOR - Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 6

[ZONE 2]

Gulls wheeled in the skies over the capitol of the Western Realm, weaving daring circles about the parapets of the palace, narrowly avoiding the Princes standards which fluttered in the salty breeze. Below, the city folk of Krondor took little notice of the majestic display as they hurried about their own affairs.

ENTER EXIT (invalid?)
The path turned.

After a few minutes of travelling, the road bed began to slope towards the sea, leading eventually through a pair of iron gates and into the majestic seat of the principality.

"Krondor," Locklear said with a sigh that seemed to indicate both relief and concern. "If assassins have been sent against us, it seems a safe bet they'll be lying in wait for us between here and the palace. What's your guess, Gorath? Do we go in now or not?"

They bid Krondor farewell.

After half an hour's journey, they returned once more to the main road.

Unaware, until he stepped into the room, that he had been chilled, Locklear was glad to have the solid oaken door of the room closed behind him. Others within seemed likewise contented as they chatted quietly among themselves, taking little notice of the new arrivals.


Owyn snorted.

"The market district in Krondor?" he said, containing his amusement. "Why don't we just take all our possessions and GIVE them away instead? The Mockers are thick as porridge in there and the local merchants hike up the prices accordingly. We'd be better off buying OUTSIDE of the city."

While many of the things in the shop glittered gold or silver, Locklear was travelled enough to know that the items of greatest value were not on display. Instead, they would be locked away elsewhere, brought out by the owner only if he believed that his customers had honest intentions.

The lay of the goods store was comfortably familiar, arranged in such a common sense fashion that it took only a few moments for Locklear to locate the items which interested him.


A sign hung on the wall.

Mender On Call. Ask the Shopkeeper!

The shopkeeper whistled.

Cringing at the sound, Locklear glanced up to see what bargain the keeper wished to call their attention to, but instead it seemed the man was calling to someone else. "Didn't mean to startle you," the man said. "Just trying to find if my mender is still about today."

"You have a tinker in your employ?" Locklear asked.

"Sometimes, when he chooses to show up," the shopkeeper said amiably. "He can fix nearly anything - crossbows, armor, swords. You name it. And his work looks like brand new. Would you like to speak to him?"

Enter: Shrine of Astalon (Chapters 3 and 6)

PALACE ENTRANCE: Chapter 1 (first)
Locklear made a face as he shook the bars.

For all the troubles he had been through to get them all alive to Krondor, the locked palace gates simply added insult to injury. Calling out to the gatemaster angrily, he pounded the hilt of his sword against the portcullis.

Stirred by the racket, a young man liveried in the colors of the Krondorian Lancers strode out of his watch house and squinted at them, snapping up his bardiche which leaned against the interior wall.

"Would you get this gate open, please?" Locklear said. "We have business with the Prince."

"Can't help you, Seigneur," the guard replied. "The gate mechanism's broken, has been since three nights ago. Unless you and your companions have a mind of climbing the walls, there won't be any getting through here until we can find the plans for the portcullis. The castle engineer is absolutely livid."

Locklear accepted the news with irritation, but knew of nothing else that could be done. "Could you go and get Prince Arutha for me then? It's a rather urgent matter."

Again the guard shook his head. "He's meeting with Pug of Stardock and some Tsurani fellow named Makala. Gave explicit instructions he wasn't to be disturbed unless the castle was burning down around their ears."

"Could you at least find Seigneur James..."

The guard cut him off with a shake of his shaggy head. "Been missing for two days. No one knows quite where he's off to, but you know how James can be."

Locklear nodded. "All too well. My bump of trouble tells me he's looking for whoever sabotaged the gate."

"Sabotaged?" The guard looked puzzled, as if the thought hadn't occurred to him. "Why would anyone do that?"

"I'm not sure, but if the thought occurs to me, I can guarantee that it has occurred to Seigneur James." Resheathing his sword, Locklear bid the guard farewell and motioned for his companions to follow him.

"I have a feeling that the only way to solve both our problems is by going through the sewers that lead beneath the city," Locklear whispered, hurrying them to the northern gate. "There is a secret passage that will lead us into the palace, and I also suspect that we may bump into Seigneur James down there as well."

PALACE ENTRANCE: Chapter 1 (second)
The gate was broken.

"Once again," Locklear stressed, "I have a feeling that the only way to solve both our problems is by going through the sewers that lead beneath the city. There is a secret passage that will lead us into the palace, and I also suspect that we may bump into Seigneur James down there as well."

James stared at Owyn.

"After all the trouble we went through to avoid being noticed, don't you think it would be a bit stupid to stroll back through the gates," James fumed. "Lets get headed to Romney before we are spotted."

PALACE ENTRANCE: Chapters 3 and 6
The gatemaster let them in.

Announcing the small party, he escorted them inside the enclosure of the Krondorian palace.

The majesty of the palace was impressive, drawing appreciative glances of astonishment from all as they wound through room after room of banquet halls, reception areas and at last a colorfully decorated gymnasium before entering the throne chambers of the Prince of Krondor.


The room was cramped.

"Locky, Locky, Locky," James muttered, looking through the Seigneur's personal effects piled in disorganized heaps. "You may be a fine swordsman, but your personal organization leaves quite a bit to be desired."

PALACE EXIT: Chapter 2
They could be seen.

James halted the party to consider. "Let's not give Delekhan any more help than he needs. If we leave through the palace's main gates, we might as well have trumpeters going before us and announcing the fact to everyone within the Kingdom of the Isles. The sewers are probably our best option."

Palace to Sewers (Chapters 2, 6) Palace to Sewers (Chapter 3)
James pulled the grate open.

Immediately he was overwhelmed by the stench of the sewers, and looked back to Gorath for his advice. "Smells awful down there," he said. "Are you sure you're ready to go in?"


They made their way into the reeking blackness...

James tugged on the grating.

"No good, it won't budge," James said. "I guess we'll just have to leave by the front gate. My nose is happier for it all the same."

Locklear led the way down. Twice he nearly lost his footing on the treacherous climb, but at last they arrived safely on a precipice of rock just below the northern gate.

Was there something hidden in the hole?

Too thick to allow a determined effort at entry, the door was probably set over the sewer entrance to prevent odors from offending visitors passing through the northern gate.
Locklear pulled the door open.

Immediately he was overwhelmed by the stench of the sewers, and looked back to Owyn for his advice. "Smells awful down here," he said. "Are you sure you're ready to go in?"


They made their way into the reeking blackness...

Gorath looked up the narrow stairwell.

It was definitely a way up, but he questioned whether it was the right way for them to be going at the moment. "What do you think, Locklear?" he asked. "Feel like climbing all that way back up?"


They made their way out of the reeking blackness...

Meet: LIMM

Meet: KAT

The ladder appeared strong enough to support a man's weight without breaking.

The ladder disappeared into a small dark hole in the ceiling. Climbing several rungs Locklear turned to the others and called down, "There's a locked grate up here. Shall we try to open it?"

Locklear cursed.

After a long time examining the lock, he brushed the dust off his hands and knees. "Someone's tampering before us has done this lock in," Locklear said. "They've broken the mechanism trying to pick it. No one will be getting through that lock with a key, picklocks or otherwise."

With a pleasant click the key turned in the metal lock.

Locklear turned to his companions and motioned for them to follow him up the ladder.

The ladder led up.

"That's the way into the palace," Locklear said. "Shall we?"


They made their way out of the reeking blackness...

SEWER STAIRWELL between Upper Level & Lower Level
CHAPTERS 1, 2, and 3
They descended the stairwell.

Halfway down its spiral, they discovered a heavy iron door which prevented them from moving any further downward. "Looks like it's rusted shut," Locklear said, examining the reddish dust which caked the lock. "No going further for the time being."

Disheartened, he led the way back up to the mouth of the stairwell.

CHAPTER 6 - Upper to Lower CHAPTER 6 - Lower to Upper
Owyn sniffed the air.

Expecting a foul aroma from the lower levels of the sewers, he was pleasantly surprised that it seemed less rank than the sewers through which they had already trudged. "Believe it or not, it smells better down there," he remarked. "Shall we go down and have a look around?"


They descended noisily.

Several times Owyn nearly lost his footing on the mossy steps, but fortunately caught himself before sending them all tumbling down the stairwell. At last, they emerged into a large corridor.

Gorath looked up the narrow stairwell.

It was definitely a way up, but he questioned whether it was the right way for them to be going at the moment. "What do you think, Owyn?" he asked. "Feel like climbing all that way back up?"


Owyn nearly broke his neck.

Less footsure than Gorath and further encumbered by his bulky staff, it was a constant struggle for him to keep upright as they wound up the mossy steps. However glad he was to see level ground, he was less pleased with the smells that now assaulted him.

Transport through these sewers is strictly prohibited! Official Kingdom business only!
- Swordmaster Corby -
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