CAVALL KEEP - Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 6

[ZONE 4]

Tucked away in the Midkemian countryside like a hidden treasure, Cavall Keep was a rustic ray of sunshine in the stony enclosure of the Kenting hills. Enclosed on all sides by a low stone wall, the sheep herding community was unpresumptuous in most respects, its only true bow to vanity being the small fountain which had been constructed in the village square.
ENTER EXIT (invalid?)
Weeds and scrub brush lined the road.

"This road leads into the town of Cavall Keep," James said. "Do you think we should go in and have a look around?"

They bid Cavall Keep farewell.

After half an hour's journey, they had returned once more to the main road.

Everywhere James looked, polished metal gleamed. As much a temple to war as any Temple of Tith, the cramped shop offered a startling variety of weapons and armor.
Except for the drunken reeves who glanced up at them, the common room of the tavern was quiet. Only the restless shuffle of feet on the boards over their heads seemed to indicate anyone else was even conscious.


James leaned over the well.

Below he couldn't see anything, but heard a gentle bumping below as the bucket rode on the crest of the deep water.

A sign creaked in the wind.

Ten golden coins were portrayed on its face, a sign obvious to anyone familiar with Midkemia s financial institutions.

"It's a moneylender," James said. "Perhaps we should pay them a visit."

The door was ajar.

They entered the building and were greeted by a man behind a small counter, "I am the chief lender here. My name is Isunatus. Can I help you?" he inquired.

James brought out the accountant's roll they had discovered in Abuk's magic chest and placed it on the counter. "We were wondering what you might be able to tell us about the details of this note. It has your mark here at the bottom."

Yes, I see," the man replied. Pushing his eyeglasses down onto the bridge of his nose, he began to examine it carefully, first looking at the top of his note, then glancing down at the bottom with a scowl, then back to the top like a smll child following the actions of a bouncing ball. At last he spoke. "I'm afraid that to make an exact match with our records, I would need a name and a date. It would be impossible for me to sort out otherwise. I wonder why there is no name attached to it..."

"Are you sure there is no other way to make a verification?" James asked.

"Quite sure," Isunatus replied. "Though I can tell you that judging by the size of the deposit, it was definitely a man of high position, either a lord or a merchant with foreign contacts."

James thanked the man as they let themselves out.

The door was ajar.

They entered the building and were greeted by a man behind a small counter, "Can I help you?" he inquired. "Perhaps you would like to open an account with us?"

"I suppose that would depend on what you could do for us," James said with a smile.

They spoke to the man about his moneylending business and the services that he could provide. Thanking him for the information and promising to return, they left.

Signs of recent renovations were everywhere in evidence within what had, until recently, been the Lord Mayor's domicile. The ceiling, once a low and heavy affair, had now been vaulted in imitation of the great palaces of Krondor and Salador. There was no question the Count was spending a fortune.

James roused the occupants.

The door cracked open with a small squeak, just enough space to allow a pale-eyed girl in a dust caked skirt to peek out at them. She studied them with a doubtful look, hesitant to let the strangers in. "Yes? What is it?"

Stepping around the seigneur, Owyn peered at the girl with a puzzled expression, then brightened. "Miri? It's okay. They may look a little rough, but they're with me."

Without a word, the servant girl stepped out of the way, allowing the three of them to follow her into the foyer of the manor. Excusing herself, she scurried off to fetch her master who was located in the rear apartments.

Following what sounded like a distant argument, a dark haired man swept into the room, a look of annoyance set in his features. Shooting a glance of mild hostility first at Owyn and then the moredhel, he turned on the Seigneur.


Their knock was answered by a servant.

"Yes?" Judging by the disarray of her hair and the night shift which the girl was wearing, the servant had likely been disturbed from an otherwise restful sleep.

"Sorry to have wakened you," James apologized.

"Count Corvalis is away at the moment, and his daughter Ugyne is abed," the girl said, apparently trying to forestall any further questions. "I'm afraid you will have to come calling at a decent hour. Goodbye."

"Wait!" Jamming his foot in the door before it swung closed again, James exhaled with pain as his foot was caught in the jamb. "Where is it that the Count has gone?"

"Out," the girl said angrily. "He sometimes goes hunting at night on the original lands of the keep."

"Then we might find him there?"

The girl shrugged. "Doubtful. And I wouldn't advise trying. He keeps a guard on his land out for poachers. Sometimes they attack without asking questions..."

Kicking James's foot out of the jamb, the servant girl bid them to go away and closed the door.

A servant of the Corvalis household answered their knock.

"Go away!" she demanded. "If you wish to speak to Count Corvalis or his daughter you will have to come back later. Preferably," she said icily, "during the day!"

Before he had a chance to say another word, James found himself standing in front of a closed door.

A cloud of dust greeted them at the door.

"Sorry sirs," said a young lady. "I just wanted to shake out me dust mop...didn't know anyone was out there."

Shaking dust out of his hair with a flip of his head Owyn replied, "No trouble. This is the Corvalis household, is it not?"

"You're right about that, but Count Corvalis and his daughter Ugyne aren't here at the moment," she said.

Owyn smiled and asked pleasantly, "Oh, do you happen to know where they've gone?"

The servant girl looked around, then said in a half whisper, "They've gone to the muster in Kenting Rush to take charge of affairs for Lady Boswich. But you didn't hear that from me."

They thanked her for the information and left.

[ZONE 4] [TOP]