"Shop of some kind," James guessed, trying to make out something through it's dark windows. "I'm not sure what they have to sell."
A bell rang.

No sooner had Locklear managed to get the door open, than he found the shopkeeper was escorting him inside.

The shop was closed.

"They'll have to come back for business tomorrow," Locklear said with resignation. "We'll just have to catch them before sundown."

"I can offer only [X] for it," explained the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper refused the [Item].

"I'm sorry, but I really don't have room for the [Item] on my shelves at the moment. Of course, I might be able to make room for it if you bought something from me."

"I have no use for such an item," the shopkeeper said.

Locklear checked their funds.

Although the values had fluctuated in the past five years due to trading disagreements with Kesh, the last time he had checked with traders there had been ten silver royals to each golden sovereign. A favorable exchange rate, assuming of course they had some of either type of coin.

After thoroughly searching all their possession, he discovered they had [X] sovereigns.

Locklear blanched as he realized he was short of funds. "I'm afraid I may have overextended myself. Seems I haven't the money I thought I had."

"That's all right," the shopkeeper said. "I'm sure I will still be here when you do find some money."

The shopkeeper frowned.

"Sorry, but I barely make a profit off scrolls as it is. My suppliers don’t haggle and the sight of these things scare off the more superstitious of my buyers. Take it at the price I'm asking or leave off."

"Hmm. I suppose it wouldn't do me any harm to lower it a bit," the shopkeeper said. "Just remember who sold it to you at this price." "Best I can do," the shopkeeper shrugged. "It's been a difficult month." "Fair enough," the shopkeeper said with a smile. "Even with the reduction, I've made a pretty profit off it!"
"What, haggle on a quality piece like that?" the shopkeeper frowned skeptically. "You're insulting my intelligence. Lucky for you I'm in an amiable mood. Done." Tears sparkled in the shopkeeper's eyes. "That's...I mean...Fine. I suppose I can put off buying that medicine another week or two. You are truly a gentleman." "You mean you'll pay that much?" the shopkeeper gushed. "Eh, why that will be...fine. I'm taking quite a loss of course, but it's good for business."
"It's not enough the tax collectors bleed me twice a year? I've got to have some high and mighty in here making me sell at a loss?!" the shopkeeper flared. "So be it! But I won't sell it for a sovereign cheaper!" "That?" the shopkeeper said incredulously. "You want to haggle for that? Fine by me, but you're a crazed man. I'm surprised you didn't just try to nick it, sorry thing like that."
"All right...all right," the shopkeeper moaned. "My children will understand. They've gone eight months without shoes, but they're strong girls and they've got thick feet. Another week or two won't hurt them." "I suppose I can forget I walked ten leagues through a snowstorm to buy that little item," the shopkeeper grumbled. "I mean, that I caught pneumonia for my troubles, that's not important. I'm just glad I can give you such a bargain."

"That will be [X]," demanded the shopkeeper.

Although it was immediately obvious the shopkeeper had no desire to haggle on the price, Locklear pressed on, praying that his natural charm would win him a cheaper price. For a short time it seemed that his victim's will was eroding, but at last the shopkeeper rapped sharply on the counter.

"Enough," the shopkeeper said. "Buy at my price or be off with you."

"Which of you would be interested in purchasing?" the keeper asked. "They will only cost you [X] a pack."

James found they had [X] to spend.

"It's yours," the shopkeeper said cheerily.


The shopkeeper fetched the mender.

"You want me to look over a few of your things?" the tinker asked. "What do you have in mind for me to repair?"

The mender looked the [Item] over.

"I think I can probably fix this up for you," he said. "Taking all the factors into consideration, I could probably bang this together for...say...[X] sovereigns and [X] royals... Still interested?"

The mender shook his head.

"I don't think I can help you," he said , returning the [Item] to Locklear. "I do repair things, but this is a little out of my experience. I'd probably do it more harm than good. Sorry."

The mender squinted.

"What's to fix?" he said, looking the [Item] over. "Looks like it's in fine condition to me. If you can find someone else that can put in better shape, I'd really like to meet them."

Locklear rummaged around for the needed sovereigns. "I seem to be short," he apologized to the waiting mender.

"Well then, seem to be gone," the man said in reply. "I've got a hundred other things to fix today and no time to fix them in."

A sign hung on the wall.
Swords Sharpened for Reasonable Cost.

The shopkeeper whistled.
Cringing at the sound, James glanced up to see what bargain the keeper wished to call their attention to, but instead it seemed the man was calling to someone else. "Didn't mean to startle you," the man said. "Just trying to find if my mender is still about today."
"You have a tinker in your employ?" James asked.
"Sometimes, when he chooses to show up," the shopkeeper said amiably. "He sharpens swords and such. You'd think his work was brand new. Would you like to speak to him?"

A sign hung on the wall.
Miracles Performed With Broke Armor. Cheap.

The shopkeeper whistled.
Cringing at the sound, James glanced up to see what bargain the keeper wished to call their attention to, but instead it seemed the man was calling to someone else. "Didn't mean to startle you," the man said. "Just trying to find if my mender is still about today."
"You have a tinker in your employ?" James asked.
"Sometimes, when he chooses to show up," the shopkeeper said amiably. "He fixes armor and the like. You'd think his work was brand new. Would you like to speak to him?"

A sign hung on the wall.
Broken Swords and Armor Repaired Here.

The shopkeeper whistled.
Cringing at the sound, James glanced up to see what bargain the keeper wished to call their attention to, but instead it seemed the man was calling to someone else. Didn't mean to startle you," the man said. "Just trying to find if my mender is still about today."
"You have a tinker in your employ?" James asked.
"Sometimes, when he chooses to show up," the shopkeeper said amiably. "He beats the dents out of armor and sharpens swords. You'd think his work was brand new. Would you like to speak to him?"

A sign hung on the wall.
Swords and Crossbows Repaired Here.

The shopkeeper whistled.
Cringing at the sound, James glanced up to see what bargain the keeper wished to call their attention to, but instead it seemed the man was calling to someone else. "Didn't mean to startle you," the man said. "Just trying to find if my mender is still about today."
"You have a tinker in your employ?" James asked.
"Sometimes, when he chooses to show up," the shopkeeper said amiably. "He repairs crossbows and sharpens swords. You'd think his work was brand new. Would you like to speak to him?"

A sign hung on the wall.
Buyers Protect Yourselves! Have Your Armor And Crossbow Repaired Here!

The shopkeeper whistled.
Cringing at the sound, James glanced up to see what bargain the keeper wished to call their attention to, but instead it seemed the man was calling to someone else. "Didn't mean to startle you," the man said. "Just trying to find if my mender is still about today."
"You have a tinker in your employ?" James asked.
"Sometimes, when he chooses to show up," the shopkeeper said amiably. "He repairs crossbows and beats the dents out of armor. You'd think his work was brand new. Would you like to speak to him?"