ZONE 7 - North-West Sector
Chapters 1-3, 6, 7


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



Easier than it looks! The trick is to get rid of the Left Solid Crystal. This done, Locky can deactivate all Poles in three steps! Owyn can then block the right Blaster easily, and Locky's way out is clear!


Harder than it looks! If this solution looks unnecessarily complicated, I suggest you start thinking. Let me know when you find a simpler one!


OCKIE'S HOUSE (Chapters 1,2,3,6)
As soon as you approach Ockie's House he will start shouting at you. If you enter the House, he will soon slam the door in your face, and you will have to fight two Scorpions (Combat 16), summoned by the Witch Wilindi, as a revenge for Ockie having poisoned her Well. Don't re-enter - the Scorpions will re-appear every time Ockie comes to the door.


WITCH WILINDI'S HOUSE (Chapters 1,2,3,6)
You'll have to fight six Scorpions first, but if you do, and then click the House, the Witch will indicate the wrong done to her. Now drink from the Well. One of your Characters will get Poisoned 18%. In order to de-poison the Well, you need some Silverthorn Anti-Venom. If you don't already have it, you can surely find some! If you purify Wilindi's Well, she will reward you with Lewton's Concentrate [28]. (The fastest way to cure the afflicted Character is by drinking 4 Restoratives.)

MYSTERY: The Webmaster has a clear memory of solving this Quest, then going back to Ockie's House, and being rewarded with an Ironjaw Trap! Was this a dream? The Webmaster has tried to reproduce this in both Versions, 1.01 and 1.02, but to no avail. Ockie seems to have left the game forever.


He does get around, doesn't he? If you've spoken to Moraeulf and/or found the VICTORY Chest, you will know that Phillip holds the all-important WAANI, needed to destroy the Rift Machine. He will freely give it to you, and invite you to pick up any resources from Wilindi's House. See Caches above.

Please note: In order to reach Phillip (in Chapter 7), you will have to fight two groups of Goblins, Combats 34 [6] and 51 [7]. The two Combats are extremely close to each other. Although I've tentatively labelled these Combats as "North" and "South", this is by no means reliable, since the Combat perimeters are very wide. Just consider this a Combat with 13 Goblins, with a breather in between.

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 7. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 05 ( Near Chests S of West Exit ) Zone 7 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 4
SC 015 020B 04 26 22 04 18 51 50 00 00
SC 016 060B 03 26 20 04 18 50 50 00 00
SC 017 0106 02 32 21 05 21 51 46 00 00
SC 018 0605 03 35 28 05 21 62 50 00 00
Combat # 06 ( North of LOGS/FARRIER ) Zone 7 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 5
MA 019 0106 07 27 27 05 20 45 49 63 00 SKA78 BSW88 LCR61 QUA07 RTT13
MF 020 0606 03 37 34 04 13 40 36 00 00 SKA72 LAM66 RSS04
QA 021 0204 04 30 25 03 22 63 33 46 00 EAR55 BSW77 LCR53 QUA13 HRB03
QP 022 0404 07 33 16 02 14 60 45 49 00 SKA59 2HB87 RTT09 PEK01 RES03
QP 023 0704 05 32 24 02 15 52 42 58 00 SKA53 BSW65
Combat # 16 ( Ockie's House ) Zone 7 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 2
SC 056 0105 03 40 27 04 22 43 48 00 00
SC 057 0706 03 23 20 04 21 64 48 00 00
Combat # 17 ( Witch Wilindi's House ) Zone 7 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 6
SC 058 0104 02 24 24 05 18 64 40 00 00
SC 059 0404 02 40 25 04 18 46 42 00 00
SC 060 0704 03 22 24 04 24 57 45 00 00
SC 061 010A 03 39 17 04 28 40 40 00 00
SC 062 040A 03 24 24 04 22 50 45 00 00
SC 063 0709 02 25 20 05 20 52 40 00 00
Combat # 32 ( Road East of West Exit ) Zone 7 Chapter 7-7 Enemies= 3
SC 119 0204 03 34 24 04 24 41 49 00 00
SC 120 0604 03 23 30 05 25 44 42 00 00
SC 121 0409 03 27 30 05 25 47 46 00 00
Combat # 34 ( Squire Phillip (South) ) Zone 7 Chapter 7-7 Enemies= 6
GF 125 0106 06 33 31 05 25 47 64 46 00 EAR100 KIN93 RTT01 39.00
GA 126 0204 06 32 26 04 20 45 61 59 00 EAR100 KIN89 ECR94 QUF18 RSS02 HRB01
GF 127 0306 05 39 33 05 19 53 63 55 00 DPA63 KIN85 RES04 46.00
GF 128 0404 07 43 32 04 23 54 63 60 00 DPA80 KIN81 RTT02 33.00
GA 129 0506 05 38 30 05 20 49 59 60 00 EAR100 TAP97 THC98 QTP17 RTT01
GF 130 0604 08 32 31 04 19 58 64 56 00 EAR100 KIN93 RTT05 HRB01 RES04 27.00
Combat # 35 ( NE of LOGS/FARRIER ) Zone 7 Chapter 7-7 Enemies= 5
MF 131 0106 04 36 26 03 14 48 35 00 00 EAR100 KIN97 RTT02
MF 132 0308 05 45 28 05 21 58 44 00 00 DPA94 TAP95 RTT01 RPP05
MA 133 0606 07 25 27 05 14 54 43 61 00 EAR100 KIN94 ECR91 QUF11 SLV04
MF 134 0304 05 34 30 04 15 45 33 00 00 DPA69 TAP92 RPP06 RTT01
MS 135 0404 03 38 24 04 12 54 41 00 85 EAR100 KIN91 PEK01 RTT01 RES03 HRB01 66.00 GIFT+SKYF+GRIE+SKIN+UNF
Combat # 49 ( West Exit ) Zone 7 Chapter 7-7 Enemies= 7
GF 189 0105 05 43 32 04 18 58 57 45 00 EAR100 KIN91
GF 190 0405 06 36 35 04 21 63 56 52 00 EAR100 KIN82
QA 191 0706 04 26 16 04 13 49 37 45 00 EAR100 KIN92 THC80 QUF16
QA 192 0303 07 21 22 04 14 65 43 43 00 EAR100 KIN82 ECR81 QUF16
MS 193 0504 03 39 21 04 16 39 43 00 74 EAR100 KIN90 DESP+GIFT+SKIN+MIND+THOU
GF 194 0207 03 39 34 05 22 73 58 51 00 EAR100 KIN91
GF 195 0603 03 36 26 04 22 74 56 47 00 EAR100 KIN82
Combat # 51 ( Squire Phillip (North) ) Zone 7 Chapter 7-7 Enemies= 7
GF 203 0006 05 35 27 04 18 51 55 54 00 EAR100 KIN84 TOR05 NAP03 RES12 53.00
GF 204 0206 06 33 31 05 24 73 65 45 00 DPA63 KIN93 HRB03
GA 205 0405 07 30 33 05 18 69 64 55 00 DPA80 TAP99 ECR82 QEP14 RED01 56.00
GF 206 0606 05 40 32 04 21 50 61 56 00 EAR100 TAP86 RTT03
GA 207 0304 05 32 27 05 21 75 65 47 00 EAR100 KIN92 THC94 QEN09 RTT01 33.00
GF 208 0504 08 44 33 04 25 63 58 48 00 DPA92 KIN98 PEK01 RES04 52.00
GA 209 0704 05 37 32 04 25 54 62 47 00 EAR100 KIN84 ECR86 QTP14 HRB01 70.00