[ZONE 3]

"Company! How lovely!"
Locklear motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman nodded, then made her way across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

NIA: Welcome to the Six Toe Tavern. What can I do for you?

LOCKLEAR: What's a shop doing open out here? I thought everybody packed up and left when King Lyam helped the people evacuate Sethanon.

NIA: Everybody didn't leave as you can see, and it's not been easy keeping up and all, not since my father died. But I don't really wish to talk about it at the moment. Would you like something to eat? I have some rations I just prepared and they're only seven gold a bundle. Please say you'll say yes. Shall I get some for you?

Locklear motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman nodded, then made her way across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

NIA: Hello again. Would you like something to eat? I have some rations I prepared and as I told you before, they're only seven gold a bundle. Please say you'll say yes. Shall I get some for you?

YES (enough) YES (not enough) NO
LOCKLEAR: Since you asked so nicely, I hardly think I'd be a gentleman to refuse. We'll take Owyn (sic).

NIA: Sit tight and I'll fetch them quick as I can.

LOCKLEAR: I'd like to take you up on your offer, but I'm afraid that I'm low on funds at the moment.

Perhaps we will swing by again later.

LOCKLEAR: Thank you but no. I think we're well enough disposed for supplies at the moment. Perhaps another time.

NIA: You'll come back. The Six Toe has the best prices in the area so I'm fairly certain I'll see you again... And if you should run into someone named Locklear, would you send him my regards? It would mean quite a bit to me.

LOCKLEAR: Certainly. Good day to you.

Locklear motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman nodded, then made herway across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

NIA: Welcome to the Six Toe Tavern. What can I do for you?

LOCKLEAR: Well, seeing as how this is a tavern and we were a bit thirsty, I thought we would come in for a bit to eat.

NIA: I have some rations I just prepared and they're only seven gold a bundle. Please say you'll say yes. Shall I get some for you?

James motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman made her way across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

JAMES: Hello there, may I buy...

NIA: I can't open up the shop! I don't care how much you have to offer or who you are. I can't go in there again.

JAMES: I was offering, miss, to buy you a drink...

NIA: Oh...oh, sorry. I was thinking you were stopping in to buy something from my goods store across the road. Since my father's death I've had the run of these two places, the tavern here and the goods store across the way. You know, I've had folks in here, four a week by last count, all offering money for a sword made by a hermit up North. Fool that I am, I sent the word out, but that was before things started happening in my store. I've since closed up things for a bit.

JAMES: Closed your store? Why? What sorts of things were going on in there?

NIA: You'll think I'm foolish...I think I'm foolish...

JAMES: Tell me and I'll listen. If I laugh once, even once, you may upend a cask of ale over my head.

NIA: You'll pay for the cask if I do... All right then. I'll tell you. In the past few weeks, I've seen a man prowling about in my shop.

JAMES: That's easy enough. Between companions and myself, we can get rid of your prowler by dinnertime tomorrow.

NIA: Can you now? You run through ghosts as easy as that, poleax poltergeists in your spare time?

JAMES: Ghosts? This prowler of yours is a ghost?

NIA: Told you that you wouldn't believe me. I'll put it to you though. If you can find a way to put the ghost in my shop to rest, then I'll reopen my shop and give you the Galon Griefmaker that I bought from the hermit. Simple as that.

JAMES: That offer is nearly as attractive as the woman delivering it. Thank you, fair lady.

SECOND (Hand buried) SECOND (Hand unburied)
James motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman nodded, then made her way across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

NIA: I don't know how you've done it, but bless you. I've not heard a knock or a bump coming from my shop for hours! First time in weeks! After I do a little dusting, I should be able to reopen it for business. And seeing that you've held up your end of the bargain, I'll hold up mine. As requested, you can have the Galon Griefmaker I told you about. Thank you again and please come by the shop across the street any time. I promise I'll give you the best bargains you'll find!

JAMES: Thank you, fine lady. It was our pleasure to serve you.

James motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman nodded, then made her way across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

NIA: I hope you haven't come by the tavern for a drink. Tapped out the last of my supplies this morning and I don't know how long it'll be before the wagons come round again. No one wants to come anywhere close to Nia's Goods, even though its across the crossroad!

JAMES: We'll do what we can, good lady.

James motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman nodded, then made her way across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

NIA: Aha! Something told me that I would see the three of you again. So, how about a fresh meal? Would that do?

JAMES: We don't really have time to sit down and eat. Do you have standard rations?

NIA: Only the best this side of Krondor.

Owyn motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman nodded, then made her way across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

NIA: Welcome to the Six Toe Tavern and...oh, hello again! I haven't seen you since you came through last. You were headed towards Krondor, in quite a hurry as I recall...ah, Orel wasnt it? And your elf friend here was Thorgath?

OWYN: What? Oh, yes...Thorgath, certainly, but my name is Owyn. We were passing back through and I thought we'd stop in for a rest or something to eat.

NIA: If it's a rest you're after then you're more than welcome to have a seat, but all my food's been requisitioned.

OWYN: Requisitioned? By whom?

NIA: By the Krondorian Lancers, or at least that's who the captain said they were. He said that the Prince requested that I turn over my provisions for them. They compensated me for my trouble of course, one thousand sovereigns.

OWYN: Congratulations! Any plans for your newly found wealth?

NIA: No, not really. I think I'll just concentrate on tidying up things around here, maybe find a dashing young seigneur or baronet who needs a rich mistress.

OWYN: Where do I stand in line?

NIA: Sorry, but I already have someone in mind. What say I make it up to you with a bottle of port? Obviously I couldn't let the soldiers take everything, so I kept a few bottles to sell until I restocked here. Why don't you take a look at the stock?

Owyn motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman nodded, then made her way across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

NIA: Hello, Owyn. Would you like some port wine? Still have a few bottles in the back. Quite worth the money. Shall I fetch a bottle?


YES (enough) YES (not enough) NO
OWYN: One bottle sounds good, doesn't it Gor...Thorgath. I could use something to get the dust out of my throat.

NIA: Certainly. That would be no problem.

GORATH: I'm not certain that's wise, Owyn...

NIA: Oh, posh... I'll fetch your bottle from the back.

OWYN: I'd like to take you up on your offer, but I'm afraid that I'm low on funds at the moment.

Perhaps we will swing by again another time.

OWYN: None right now, thank you. We actually probably need to get moving.

NIA: Suit yourselves. I'll be around should you get thirsty. If you want into the shop across the street, I'll come over and let you in. Goodbye.

OWYN: Your kindness will someday be rewarded. Thank you.