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The contents of the cup were typical of the ale found in most of the Kingdom, a dark brown mixture with a seedy scum floating on the surface. All in all, not the best of drinks but one that could induce a mellower outlook when life grew too stressful.
His curiosity sufficiently piqued, Owyn popped open the half-gallon cask and inhaled deeply. Immediately his senses reeled as the heady cinnamon-like aroma assaulted him. Keshian Ale!
Locklear wiggled the small cask's cork loose and upended it, unmindful of the fact that it was spilling down his face and neck as he drank. Wiping the excess from his mouth with the back of his hand, he smiled unrepentantly. "Good stuff, that Keshian Ale."
Frost encysted the crystalline point of the magician's tool, faint tendrils of mist trailing its arc as Owyn waved it back and forth. If not for the engraved words on its handle, he might not have guessed its purpose: For magical treatment of a blade. Althafain the artificer.
USE [sic]
As Gorath slid the tip of the magical artifact down the length of the sword, a glittering blue frost formed on the blade. Assuming his victim wasn't using some form of Sarigsbane on his armor, the enchantment would make any wound done with the sword incredibly painful.
Owyn looked at the medallion skeptically. In Krondor similar amulets were sold as fool's trinkets, ornaments that seemed in all respects like true gold but were clever fakes run up by unscrupulous magicians. Checking the reverse side, he noted an inscription to Banath, the god of luck and of thieves.
Gorath flipped the armorer's hammer head over handle several times, catching it before it fell to the ground. As a weapon it would be entirely useless, its mass insufficient to cause injury, but it was an extremely handy tool to use to repair armor plates which were wedged loose during combat.
USE [if ineffective]

It wasn’t as bad as he'd thought.
Not wishing to make the error of a rash decision, he double checked the [Armor] for anything he'd missed, but it was in as good repair as he knew how to make it.

Uncorking the mouth of the oilskin, James poured out a small portion of the gold flecked lacquer into his palm and examined it. Named after a type of impure brown glass common in Rillanon, it was an ideal resin to use on crossbow strings when they began to lose their cohesiveness.
USE [if ineffective]

It wasn’t as bad as he'd thought.
Not wishing to make the error of a rash decision, he double checked the [Crossbow] for anything he'd missed, but it was in as good repair as he knew how to make it.

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Owyn could see the reason bartering for raw goods was beginning to disappear as the Kingdom of the Isles began to mint their own currency. Carrying around raw grain as a means to make purchases was far too cumbersome.
The crossbow type had become legendary since the end of the Riftwar. Replicated from a model discovered in the Northlands, the draw was impossible to set barehanded and required a lever called a goatsfoot be used to span its deadly draw. Fortunately, the crossbow had the device attached.
Its spine a patchwork of cracked hide and shiny leather, new pages sandwiched between ancient sheaves of parchment, the book had been repaired numerous times during its long history.

For texts of the various Books, refer to the LOOK WEB.

A relatively simple device, the spyglass was a cylinder of brass fitted with a large glass lens on one end and another, smaller lens on the opposite end. While spyglasses were used to spot distant objects, James suspected this one had been rendered useless by the cracks in the larger lens.
Undaunted by the spyglass' cracked lenses, James raised the nautical tool to his eye and looked through it. While visually he could see nothing, it was almost as if he saw something beyond the world before him. By some facility he was able to see objects that were hidden from his view.
Slicing air with the weapon, Gorath made a few passes at an imaginary foe. Although the sword was not the most remarkable he had ever held, it would serve well enough if he found himself in a sword battle.
Turning over the coarsely woven cloth in his hands, he examined the blotches of yellow mold that seemed remarkably like a human face. It was probable the linen had been a burial shroud, the face imprinted upon it as the unknown man's flesh had dissolved into moldering corruption.
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In ways the part resembled the gears used in crossbows, but where he associated the moving parts of hand-held weapons with precision, the catapult's axle gear was a monstrosity, its tempered iron spokes radiating out from a flat circular plate thicker than ten swords stacked one atop another.
Owyn yelped as the tin key's serrated edge dug into the fleshy part of his palm. Angered, he held the key up for closer investigation. Evidently the key had been fashioned in a hurry, its edges left jagged and its face decorated only with a small wave shaped sigil. Whoever had made the key had not intended it for use on a daily basis.
Distributed once a year from the Temple of Tith, oilcloths were often resold by the poor to any who would buy. The oil which was soaked into the fiber had numerous qualities, though it was best known for its magical effects when smeared on edged weapons or on armor.
A dark sheen appeared as Locklear applied the holy oilcloth, rubbing the metal until its surface drank up some of the residue. While its effects could be countered if his opponent had used the same oil, it at least ensured that he would be on even footing with anyone hostile that he met.
Famed on Kelewan as a deadly slow poison, Coltari Poison would be of no use on a blade, its effects too delayed to be of any use against an armed opponent. It could, how ever, be applied to foods or drinks to strike down an unsuspecting victim.
Careful not to spill any of the poison onto his hands while doctoring the rations, James nodded with satisfaction. "Unless someone takes a good look at these rations, they'll never know the difference."
The staff suggested a great deal about its parent culture. Artificed with as much attention to physical as metaphysical properties, its obsidian-like point had been honed to razor sharpness, giving the bearer a formidable weapon which could be used to stab as well as to focus spells.
Tarnished, dented, peeling; while age had left its marks on the ancient ceremonial cup it had not diminished the majesty of the artisan's work. Four leprous serpents reared from the sides of the battered chalice, their eyes of ruby seething with mysterious intent.


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Hawked at fairs and trading meets by the Brotherhood of the Shield of Dala, Dalatail Milk was really nothing more than simple springwater, albeit springwater blessed by a priest of the defender goddess. It was reputed to increase one's ability to defend oneself during combat.
Half-expecting it to have some unnatural taste, Locklear gulped down the blessed liquid, but found it had no flavor at all that he could detect. If not for the strange sensation that was welling up within him, he would have suspected the vial simply contained well water or something equally innocuous.
Owyn grinned. While there were many Keshian thieves who would slit them from throat to belly to gain the brilliant full cut diamond, he expected there were just as many ladies of the court who would attempt much the same, though using weapons of a more persuasive kind.
It was simply the best armor ever made by human hands. An articulated breastplate with a sliding rivet arrangement, an interior quilted arming doublet to soften sharp impacts, slip catches beneath the arm gussets for quick suiting; the breastplate was a marvel both to wear and to look at.
As if some magic within the azure stone was awakened by Owyn's touch, a dark fluid began to spill through a crack in the artifact's mottled surface and down the length of his arm. Where droplets contacted cloth they shied, but touched to smooth metal, it infused itself and disappeared.
As if some magic within the azure stone was awakened by Gorath's touch, a dark fluid began to spill through a crack in the artifact's mottled surface and down the length of his arm. Pouring it over his armor, he treated it carefully, its powers renowned for extinguishing swords set ablaze with magical flames.
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Slightly larger than the balled fist of a grown man, the hunk of reddish chalcedony was free of marks except for the obvious letter inscribed on its smooth face. In legend such stones were said to possess the power to summon a rusalki lover, though Owyn gave little credence to the claim.
Eliaem. Owyn mouthed the name as he clasped the stone in his fist and concentrated, feeling the focal power of the magical artifact gather to respond to his need and will. A rusalki would come.
From what little he had learned from gems dealers at trading fairs, the emerald had been prepared in a navette cut. Beyond that, he wasn't certain what the actual value of the gem would be until he attempted to sell it.
Struggling with its complicated elven buckles, Owyn tried the breastplate on for size. Too wide for him at the shoulders, he was nonetheless pleased with its clever filigrees and fine fluted scrollwork, patterns designed to be decorative while also denying enemies a even striking plane.
Applying the same principles used on the famed elven longbows, the crossbow had a composite bow made of wood, bone, and sinew and the tiller was sheathed in parchment. If not elven himself, James guessed the artisan of the crossbow had at least been in close contact with the archers of Elvandar.
Commissioned by Earl Kasumi for his LaMutian soldiers, the design was an Tsurani improvement over Kingdom armor. Where rigid steel plates had been traditionally riveted, the armorcrafter Euliliko had used instead flexible lengths of horn which would allow the armor to fold without being punctured.
Set with brilliant stones of lapis and sapphire, the hilt was beautifully jeweled, but the sword blade had been long broken away. Still, as Gorath held it in his hand, he sensed it had the potential to be a deadly weapon.
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Infamous by reputation, the notorious strength potion had on several occasions disrupted proceedings at lancer's tournaments. Expressly forbidden because of its unbalancing effects in combat, it still commanded high prices from soldiers looking to advance their positions with employing lords.
James took a sparing swig from the vial of Fadamor's Formula, cringing as faint rushes of heat washed through his muscles. Suddenly, he felt wildly exhilarated.
Introduced to the Kingdom by Althafain after several soldiers had been injured by frost bladed weapons, the viscous oil could be bought as a protective coating for armor. Any frost bladed weapon that came into contact with the brown fluid would instantly return to normal temperature.
USE [sic]
Trying to conserve what little he had of the brown fluid, Gorath applied the flame root oil sparingly. Though it was rare that he had run across opponents who used naphtha to treat their blades, he wanted no unpleasant surprises if he did meet such individuals. Even in small amounts, the rare oil would extinguish any naphtha which contacted his armor.
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Holding up the double-edged, basket-hilted sword for inspection, Gorath favored it with a nod. The numerous sharp teeth that bristled along the edge of the weapon guaranteed a deep cut if the blade was swung properly.
For a moment Owyn was beguiled by the patterns on the strange stones. Hues of red and ochre interlocked in an intricate web of fault lines and ridges, pooled together in shallow depressions; so complex were the shapes he could easily see why priests insisted they conveyed secret messages from the gods.
The stamp was simple - the kind generally used by nobles or priests - and it had a handle made of ivory from which depended several silk streamers. The seal itself was of three pots stacked one atop another, the symbol associated with the powerful Glazer's Guild of Romney.
Although glory hands were greatly coveted by witches of various ilks, Owyn wished only to put the horrid thing down. He poked at the mummified form. Bits of yellowed bone showed through cracks in the blackened flesh, the only certain sign the hand had once be longed to a human.
More than just a peasant's weapon, the goblin sticker was made to be wielded by hearty men accustomed to heavier blades. Numerous hammer marks were visible in the iron grade, evidence the weapon had likely been forged with only a few hours notice before a goblin raid over Kingdom borders.
Unminted, the golden coins were a wise choice for them to carry. Without the mark of a specific king or emperor, the coins would not raise problems with travelling traders who might otherwise be fearful of taking foreign currencies.
Inspired by the lighter, laminated blades carried by the Tsurani during the Riftwar, the elven greatsword was a terror in battle. Double spurs jutted from the base of its flamberge-style blade and it shaft had been fitted with a heavy pommel to allow it to be thrust like a rapier.
Even in its advanced state of deterioration, the dwarven armor was worth two suits of standard plate. Reddish brown scales of rust pocked its ancient surface, but its original making had rendered it so lifelike it appeared not like a corrupted metal breastplate but instead a cancerous human torso.
Cautious at first and then with eagerness, Gorath wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the glamredhel sword and drew it hissing from its scabbard of flawless silver. On the blade, runes glimmered in lines of sundered flame, their meaning indecipherable to most but clear to any who held the blade: AVENGE.
James wiped a bit of dirt off the key. Made from sterling silver, the guilder's passkey was a stunning piece of craftwork. It seemed profane such beautiful work was being wasted on simple tools.
Several times thicker than the variety made for standard crossbows, the heavy bowstring had been manufactured by winding several cords of spun hemp around a central material and looping the ends for easy fitting to a heavy crossbow.
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Owyn looked at the medallion skeptically. In Krondor similar amulets were sold as fool's trinkets, ornaments that seemed in all respects like true gold but were clever fakes run up by unscrupulous magicians. Checking the reverse side, he noted an inscription to Banath, the god of luck and of thieves.
A potent medicinal aroma wafted from the herbal pack as Patrus looked it over. Without opening it up, he was certain it contained the standard materials: alum and healers alcohol. While it couldn't help regain lost strength, it would go a long way to increase the rate at which he healed.
Fearing that an infection might be loose in his system, James attended to his various nicks and cuts with the contents of the herbal pack. While it wouldn't make his wounds go away, it would at least speed his healing.
Reinforced at the bell and mouthpiece with brass collars, Owyn struggled to imagine the beast from which the horn had been harvested. While possible it had come from a mature dragon, no man alive would dare fight such a creature for so trivial a trophy. Puzzling too were the dog shapes carved on the horn.
Pressing the horn against his lips, Owyn blew hard, the whole of his body trembling as the exhalation blasted through the dragon's horn. In answer came a distant sound like the baying of wolves or of hounds, their calls ringing closer as they responded to their master's call...
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The votive idol rested in his hand like a squat, sexless gnome. Rationally Owyn knew it would take no great effort to crush the leering ivory figurine; he would merely have to close his hand. But somehow he felt as if their roles were reversed, as if he were the fragile thing in the statuette's tiny palm.
Though the eyelids of the ivory idol had been carved closed, they flickered open, revealing a pair of ratlike eyes. Owyn choked as a cold feminine voice began to speak through him. "I call to my halls the one chosen by the one who bears my image. Choose one to die, Owyn..."
A pervasive feeling of malice radiated from the pendant. Within its depths bloody points of light pulsed, swarming from one side of the glass to the other as anything brushed against its featureless surface.
A bloody rayed ball of energy rose from the pendant, hovering inches from the end of Owyn's nose as if awaiting a command. Unsure how he understood its intent, but nevertheless understanding, Owyn concentrated his thoughts on the deadliest spells he could remember...
A skeletal death's head grinned on the key's haft. "An interdictor key," Owyn said, tapping the key against the palm of his hand. "These keys are the only way to open locks that have been blessed by the Death Goddess. I'm not sure I want to find the door this opens."
It seemed like a great deal of complexity to waste on an animal trap. Modeled on the trebuchets used by the Quegian army, it sported a counter-weighted fulcrum to which had been attached a barbed head; the whole mechanism triggered when an animal ate from a baited plate.
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Leery of the cup offered him by the tavern maid, Owyn tipped the cup and sniffed its dark contents. Immediately his senses reeled as the heady cinnamon-like aroma assaulted him. Keshian Ale!
"Feels like something between a machete and a falchion," James said, taking a few test swings with it. "A good slice with this weapon and you could take off a goblin's head."
Even an untrained artisan would be considered a fool if he failed to recognize the elven key of lineages. Three interlocked triangles formed the head of the long steel key, the irmatrix representing the ancient Midkemian tribes of the eledhel, the moredhel and the glamredhel.
An emerald colored fluid rippled the length of the flute-necked bottle as Owyn upended it, then righted it once more. A very light oil, it was used by soldiers to temporarily enhance the metallic qualities of their swords and of their armor.
A dark sheen appeared as James applied the holy oil, rubbing the metal until its surface drank up some of the residue. While its effects could be countered if his opponent had used the same oil, it at least ensured that he would be on even footing with anyone hostile that he met.
Someone had paid a great deal to have the chess piece made. The marbled soapstone from which it had been carved was of a type available only from a hellish region within Great Kesh known as the Jal-Pur Desert; an area also renowned for its Gedajii, a Keshian brotherhood of thief assassins.
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No matter how he re-laced them, the cured leather leggings wouldn't fit him. "Perhaps we can find someone to sell these to," Owyn said as he slid them off. "I certainly won't be able to wear them."
He fidgeted with the lecture ticket. Not wanting to inadvertently anger the god Ishap by breaking the divine seal set in blue wax on the tickets face, he bent back a corner of the parchment ticket but was unable to read the finely printed text on the interior.
On countless occasions, Owyn had observed magicians carrying vials of the same fluid, almost always downing the concoction before setting to work casting incantations. For a brief period of time the imbiber would seem intensely focused, ignorant of events outside his purpose.
Thick and tantalizingly sweet, Owyn sucked down a dram of the sorcerer's potion, then recorked the vial with the heel of his hand. Slowly his awareness of the world dimmed, shoved aside as something within him began to reorganize his thoughts. Soon there would be no thought in him but his spellcasting.
Threading his thumbs through the ends of the silk bowstring, James yanked as violently as possible to test the flexibility of the cord. While it seemed sturdy enough to handle the stress of repeated firings, he hoped it wouldn't disappoint him when he sighted down on an ill-intented opponent.
Disdain and approval warred within Locklear as he looked over the crossbow. On the surface he couldn't help but admire its sleekliness and sturdy construction; it would easily sling over his shoulder. But when blow came to blow he could hardly credit it as anything more than a hunter's toy.
Made of light birch, the staff would be easy to swing should the need arise; doubtless it had been put to magical uses as well. Several lightning sigils were burned along its wavering length, the points of their bolts originating from a small crystal globe affixed to the knobby head of the staff.
USE impossible in Chapter 8

Nothing happened.

Examining further, Owyn realized his Lightning Staff would not function on this strange island.

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Scratched out on the scroll in painstakingly lucid detail was a magical spell which had been titled [Spell Name].
Although he could have wished for better circumstances under which to study it, Owyn broke the scroll's wax seal and began to read. After a hour's laboring with the difficult language he was able to commit the incantation to memory. While the words on the parchment etched indelible patterns in his mind, the scroll grew brittle, then crumbled slowly between his fingers like sun-dried leaves.
Experimentally Gorath snagged the bow back, grunted as it creaked violent complaint. It was a powerful crossbow, strong enough a bolt fired from it would likely puncture a common soldier's armor.
By the look of it, the malachite and silver brooch had been meant to be a cloak fastener or a setting for part of a larger piece of jewelry. Crude by Kingdom standards, the moredhel brooch could still demand a reasonable price in the right shops.
As a universal weapon the Moredhel Lamprey was poor. Imperfect balance wedded to the weapon's unwieldy weight made it classically difficult to control in close quarters and challenging for the shorter-limbed Kingdom soldiers to use.
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Unlabeled and unadorned, Owyn still recognized the large ceramic container for what it held. Naphtha. Applied to a sword blade in small amounts and set ablaze, it would exacerbate the pain of any cut made with the blade, though the oil would quickly burn off a sword once applied.
Uncorking the bottle, James poured a small portion of the naphtha over the blade, then wiped most of the residue away. Once an enemy came within striking range, the first kiss of his blade against steel would spark quite a surprise for his intended target.
Cast in brass, the key type was unfamiliar though it's size suggested it was made to open a door rather than a chest. On the reverse side was a royal seal, over which were inscribed three lines of script: Prop. of Nivek; Lrd. Mnst. of Fincs., Wstrn. Rlm; Krndr.
The gold key felt weighty in the palm of his hand, heavy with the noble arrogance that deemed such a flagrant display of wealth necessary. Known widely as the noble's passkey, the type was legendary for its tendency to snap off in locks at inconvenient moments.
Not yet convinced he should take the time to read over the missive's contents, Owyn studied the yellowing parchment but found nothing particularly outstanding about the ink in which it was printed or the cut of the paper.

For texts of the various Notes, refer to the LOOK WEB.

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So small it seemed he could snap it between his fingers, the peasant's key was made of a tarnished copper, its color giving away its simple origin. The rough flashing that remained around the edges of the key further suggested the key had been only one of several hundred keys made.
Reaching into the velvet pouch, James withdrew a sterling silver lockpicking tool. He studied it carefully, marvelling at the unmatched precision of its craftsmanship.
The fluid within the flask was a clotted mass, tinged a phlegmy color that looked neither healthy nor appealing. And if the scent of the cork was anything similar to the actual aroma of the concoction within, he had no desire to open the bottle. Yet, if he were attacked, it might be useful to distract an otherwise troublesome opponent.
Owyn untied the drawstrings which held closed the pouch and sifted through the ash colored material within. Buried underneath was a slip of parchment on which had been shakily printed, Throw into face of victim. Lornus, Artificer of Palanque.
In the hands of a jongleur the lute was often a pleasure to him, but now that the instrument was in his hands, he wasn't certain it wasn't a deadly weapon. Even if he learned to master it, his repertoire of songs was frightfully limited.
Owyn plucked the strings of the practice lute carefully, aware his smallest mistakes were the cause of great grief to others. He could at least say he was learning, however minutely, every time he played the single tune he knew.
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Grabbing a quarrel at one end after the head and at the other end short of the flights, Gorath checked the give of the bolt by gently bending it in one direction and then the other. The spine of the arrow seemed good so it seemed likely there would be little quaver as the quarrel was in flight.
James smiled as he examined a single quarrel. Its shaft perfectly fletched and true, it would fly unerringly to its target, assuming of course his opponents would do him the courtesy of standing still.
Archers instantly knew it on sight. Flights misaligned on the shaft, head malformed, spine too rigid to allow level flight; it was a disgrace to any who crafted arrows. And yet the enchantment worked into the misshapen bolt by its sorcerous maker made it a peerless quarrel.
The quarrel was not meant to penetrate armor, but instead to set ablaze any cloth or fur the victim might be wearing. Affixed in the place of a tempered steel point was a small oilcloth bladder, fastened to the quarrel shaft by a leather cord. It's awkward shape would make it difficult to strike with.
Poison gleamed on the quarrel's deadly head. Even should he only graze an opponent's shoulder with one of the bolts, the poison would have his victim writhing in pain within seconds.
The work of a wicked craftsman, the Tsurani quarrel was long, very nearly the length of a man's forearm and twice heavier than standardized Midkemian varieties. Twin barbs swept back from its laminate point and were meant to worry a victim's wounds, inducing bleeding and eventually death.
Fermented in the vineyards of the Dauphiness of Queg, the brandy was classically smooth, lacking the bitterness of some of the vintages grown in the Kingdom.
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Within the Kingdom the rapier was considered the weapon of experts and fools. Smaller bladed than classical broadswords, it demanded a great deal of skill and concentration to use, its primary strategy depending on its sharpened point rather than on its hacking edge.
Laying the brown parcel aside, Owyn carefully undid the short length of string that bound the package. Although standard rations generally contained salted sweetmeats, hard rolls, sliced apples, and strawberry tarts, he was eager to get at whatever food was inside.
Owyn gaped in astonishment as he clawed through the bountiful mound of fruit; fresh blackberries, swollen with juice, nearly bursting; golden apples, still wet with morning dew; grapes piled high in alternating clumps of green and purple---nearly a banquet fit for royalty. A handful of it would certainly last him at least a day.
Laying the parcel aside, Owyn carefully undid the length of string that bound the package. Inside were an assortment of salted sweetmeats, hard rolls, sliced apples, and strawberry tarts, each portion individually wrapped and sealed with wax, though a few looked as if they might have been tampered with.
Once, the rations might have been edible or even appetizing, but the stench that wafted from the opened parcel was more than enough to turn Owyn's stomach. It could not be eaten.
As Owyn rattled the manna in his cupped hands, violent pulses of blue light flashed between individual shards and prickled his fingers. Though he had never encountered it in this form, he sensed the crystals were magical, perhaps manna, the very essence of magic. It would still need to be converted into a form they could use.
Touching the manna to the crystalline staff, a faint glow suffused the length of the stave...
Owyn shook the vial. Called Tith's Piss among mercenaries, the liquid was famed for its vile metallic flavor and ruddy color, both owing to the fact the liquid was gathered from the rusty drainpipes of the Temple of Tith. Many claimed the fluid could improve an imbiber's swordplay for a short time.
Closing his eyes, James quaffed down some of the bitter tasting fluid. "Dreadful," he croaked. "Next time I'll just drink from a sewer."
A comforting warmth blanketed Owyn as he shook the vial of restorative fluid, its magical effects radiating up the length of his arm and then down through his limbs and torso. He would, of course, have to swallow the liquid to reap benefit of its healing powers.
Little caring how the liquid might taste, James took a swill from the vial and swallowed greedily, the strange liquid having an immediate warming effect in his hands and feet. Almost as quickly, his many aches and pains began to subside.
On many occasions Owyn had seen similar rings used by visiting magicians to cast spells to lighten darkened rooms. While he couldn't be certain by appearances alone the ring he held was of the same purpose, the reference to the god of light and fire in its name seemed a good indicator.
Owyn prayed that merely wearing the ring would be enough and focused his attention on a fixed point before him. In his mind he tried to imagine - to see - how his surroundings would look when fully lit. Something within the ring responded.
The ring was a simple, unadorned band of gold which fit awkwardly on his finger. Worth only a small crafter's fee and the gold used in its forging, the ring was still charming in its own humble way. What mystified him was the peculiar way it warmed when someone moved near him.
Disappointingly short, the length of hemp appeared to be sturdy enough to hold a man's weight should the need arise.
Unable to identify the signet on the face of the ring, Owyn checked the inner surface for an inscription. Barely legible was a short epithet written for an unknown reader: I think it works, this ring of mine, but it'll sneeze, 'bout half the time.
Using the ring as a focus for his powers, Owyn found that the words of a strange incantation were appearing in his mind, each setting his thoughts ablaze as he spoke them word for word. Frantic, he turned upon his enemy and sought to channel the hurtful energy elsewhere.
Locklear turned the tear-shaped key over. "The Prince of Krondor's standard," he said, indicating the bas-relief image of an eagle soaring high over a mountain's peak. "I could see why thieves might be interested in getting hold of a key that opens every door in the Prince's palace."
Common as a pebble on a beach, the pear-cut ruby was used in the western Kingdom almost as frequently as golden sovereigns when traders were making large purchases. While their values were dependant on their quality, they almost never garnered more than four hundred sovereigns from a gems dealer.
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A yellow colored ointment, the Sarig's Bane was stored in an odd-looking container; a simple cork cap suspended from the mouth of a glass tube, a large bulb made from stitched sheep gut. Commonly it was applied to armor to counteract the effects of enchanted blades.
James quickly dabbed large circles of the yellow ointment onto his armor, puzzled that his fingertips numbed as he applied it. Hopefully, it would work just as effectively against any magically enchanted blade that touched it.
Shades of blue and alabaster chased one another round the surface of the spiral shell, winding tighter and tighter until the colors became an indistinguishable blur towards the center. While such shells were not entirely unique, they were sometimes collected and sold by poor peasants.
There was something different about the shell. Perhaps it was in the color or texture, but he was sure he had never seen another quite like it in all the trading meets he had ever attended. The oddest thing about it was a pattern of ten bumps on the inner lip of the shell.
A searing flash of heat vaporized the shell as Gorath touched it to the hilt of the glamredhel sword, elongating itself into a swirling length of blue flame. Around it, a shell of silver and steel congealed, forming first a blade and then a scabbard of unparalleled workmanship.
It smelled awful. Covered with a strange green mold, the implement was rickety, its fractured length held together with an assortment of rusty nails. However it had been used recently, it had seen better times.
Commanding less buying power coin for coin than golden sovereigns, the silver pieces would still be a welcome addition to their collective wealth. Granted their task was not to become rich, but the financial capacity to avoid starvation or death by exposure was uppermost in his thoughts.
With the exception of its carnelian tinged fangs, the miniature spider glinted a deadly silver hue. On its underbelly, a long shallow groove bisected its length and passed between its fangs; a groove through which a swordblade or an arrow point could be easily passed.
Flipping the ornate miniature over, Gorath slid his sword blade through the groove which had been incised into the spider's belly. While there was no fluid visible in the small channel, his blade now dripped a green venom.
Owyn was careful as he held it up, knowing a single scratch from its silvery thorns could kill. Corpulent red berries dangled from the plant's rose-like stem, each bud heavy with deadly poison. If crushed over a blade or an arrow, the Silverthorn would make any cut made with the weapon far more lethal.
A look of absolute concentration was etched on Gorath's face as he prepared his blade with the Silverthorn. Pinching off a single berry, he crushed it against the blade, causing a bloodlike fluid to trickle down the length of the sword's fuller. He would have to take great care not to scratch himself on it when he resheathed the weapon or the venom would have him dead within minutes.
Purple globes fanned out from a delicately spun central vein of glass, each small grape-like bulb containing enough anti-venom to neutralize a double amount of Silverthorn. Thanks to a formula created by Father Nathan of Krondor years previously, the antivenom had saved the lives of many who had smeared it on their armor before confronting moredhel raiders or consumed it to heal themselves of the effects of Silverthorn.
Cautious not to cut himself on the shards of glass, James broke a bulb of the anti- venom over the surface of his armor. Even a thin coating of the substance would be enough to neutralize a blade envenomed with the deadly Silverthorn poison.

Breaking open the bulb of anti-venom, James greedily drank down the contents, immediately feeling a rush of warmth spreading through his limbs as it neutralized the Silverthorn poison coursing through his veins.

Owyn considered the rotted thing. Yellowed, encrusted with grave mold; one day his own hand would look the same, assuming someone didn't simply leave his corpse to be stripped of flesh by wild animals -- and even then mold would form on his skeletal remains.
The stave's appearance was deceptive. On first glance it appeared to have more in common with a simple walking stick than a staff of power, but its exceptional balance would make it a superior fighting stick. Whoever had made it had purposely concealed its magical properties.
A thin shell of steel, the plate armor was ideally intended to be worn over a padded piece of clothing that they were regretfully without. But while the thin fabric of James's tunic would be a poor substitute for a quilted gambeson, the armor itself would deflect far more sword blows than would bare skin.
Gorath hefted the sword respectfully. In the hands of its dwarven makers it would doubtlessly have been considered a two-handed bastard sword, but even the most diminutive of human beings would have been hard pressed to get more than a hand and half over its spiral pommel.
A shiver ran down James's spine. Though the weight and play of the sword were as he expected, there was a darkness about the blade that unsettled him. No matter how he turned it, light refused to reflect off its highly polished surface.
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He plucked at the torch's oil soaked wrappings. Although the rags were heavy with the scent of kerosene, he had no way to be certain how long the torch would last once lit.
USE [if already lit]
They already had a torch lit. Putting away the unlit branch, Locklear elected to wait until their current source of light failed before using the new torch.

USE [in Naphtha Mines]
Gorath rushed to stop him. "Owyn don't!...There's naph..," A deafening explosion echoed through the caverns, engulfing them both in killing flames.

The tea was darkish grey-black. Brewed by the elves from roots unique to Elvandar, the concoction had a strong herbal aroma and was often sold as a highly priced spice, though James valued more its fleeting tendency to sharpen sight, a quality which a archer friend had once demonstrated.
The tea tasted familiar, reminding him vaguely of a minty concoction brewed in taverns to cut the chill during winter months. More interesting was the fact that the world around him seemed to gain clarity, as if he could see things he hadn't noticed before he drank the mixture.
The heft of the crossbow alone was assuring, its potency seemingly worked into the very fiber of the weapon. Reputed to be more powerful than even the common Midkemian footsoldier's crossbow, they were rare treasures hoarded by weapons collectors.
The ivory inlaid on the crossbow's darkly stained wooden tiller marked it as Tsurani, likely a weapon fashioned for the lord of a great house. It was also unusual in that the bow was made of a flexible material unlike anything found in the Kingdom.
Gorath struck the metallic device against his knee, cringing as it sang its high pitched note. "I always dread it when the jongleurs tune their instruments," he said, killing the still ringing note. "It's that pitch. If my hearing were any more sensitive, I'd think I'd bleed from the ears."
Lacking the sharpened drooping quillons of the more basic Kingdom broadswords, the two handed variety had much to recommend itself. Heavier than a simple broadsword, the two handed variety was broader bladed and therefore more likely to hit and harm its intended target.
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Lustrous as no armor should be, it was unthinkable the suit had ever been in battle. Impossibly light, the breastplate was forged of a material that seemed like white gold but was harder than any steel Gorath had ever encountered.
Meant to be worn over the nose and mouth, the mask had been stitched together from a refuse heap assortment of dyed cloth, fish bone, wooden slats and discarded spinner's string.
"This is a virtue key or I'm a gwali's uncle," James said with a grin, tapping the dorsal shaped head. "Originally these keys were only made for chastity belts, but in the last hundred years or so they've expanded the use of the design. The locks this will open protect very valuable items."
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Made of a glazed metal, three concentric rings encircled the mushroom shaped device's base, through which was visible a globe of glass that flashed periodic bursts of white light. While the design was Tsurani, it could only have been made on Midkemia, the price of metals too prohibitive on Kelewan to allow such an extravagant device to be built.
Even without looking at the key, Pug sensed something abnormal about it. "The key is...pulsing," he said. "The inscriptions on the haft have aspects about them that look elven, but parts also appear moredhel. Whatever it is, I have the feeling it predates the Kingdom, the Northlands or even Elvandar itself."
The strange elven footwear was far too dainty to suit his tastes. Dyed bright green and trimmed with a thin cord of gold, they were obviously intended as something to be worn within boots or moccasins.
Gorath ran his forefinger lightly across the rough grain of the whetstone. While it wouldn't last him long, it would be useful in keeping the edge of his sword from deteriorating.
USE [if ineffective]

It wasn’t as bad as he'd thought.
Not wishing to make the error of a rash decision, he double checked the [Sword] for anything he'd missed, but it was in as good repair as he knew how to make it.

Roughly the size of a baked loaf of bread, the wooden chest seemed extraordinarily heavy, as if something made of solid lead was contained within, but there were no visible marks on the miniature chest to indicate what it had been crafted to hold.
James cracked open the box's lid.
Engulfed in a coruscating geyser of light which fountained from the interior of the small box, he shouted as he felt himself shot into the air like a crossbow bolt into the blue.
While his woodworking skills wouldn't give his rivals reason to quit their professions, the crafter's staffsmanship was exceptional. From the bole of a yew tree, he had fashioned a staff which looked as if it could be used magically as well as a fighting weapon.
If not for the regularity of its faceted surface the wyvern's egg could have passed as a peculiar geode, a quartzite anomaly created by the whims of nature. As Owyn touched it, however, there could be no doubt that something lived within its fragile shell.

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