ZONE 7 - East Sector
Chapters 1-3, 6, 7


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



Beware! If you cross the Eastern Bridge in Chapter 3, 6, or 7, you will run into a Magical Barrier, which covers most of the South Part of this Sector. You will lose Stamina/Health every time you run into the Barrier.
In order to get rid of this inconvenience, you must kill 3 Pantathians (Combat 28), who are lurking in the neighbourhood. The Barrier will, of course, make them difficult to reach. The least dangerous path is clearly shown in the Map above (red dotted line).
If you kill the Pantathians, the Fife and Laurel Shop (North Sector) will get opened!

The first "trigger" is just a warning, but all subsequent ones will make you Sick [4%], and as a result your Stamina (and later your Health) will start going down. Each trigger will add 4% to the Sickness, and the passing of time will, of course, escalate the Sickness.
After you've killed the Pantathians, return (in a straight line) towards the Bridge. You will seemingly run into one more trigger, but don't worry - this is a dialogue trigger. You will now automatically start Healing 44%!

In this area there is a Chest containing 2 Ironjaw Traps. If you want to solve Craig's Quest, you'll have to find this Chest. You can, theoretically, reach it through the Magical Barriers, and return, but you will get extremely sick! You're better off killing the Pantathians first (see above).

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 7. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 11 ( South of East Waterfall ) Zone 7 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 3
SC 039 010A 03 34 23 04 21 42 47 00 00
SC 040 0606 03 21 28 05 19 42 50 00 00
SC 041 0204 02 25 17 04 25 54 49 00 00
Combat # 13 ( East of East Bridge ) Zone 7 Chapter 1-6 Enemies= 5
SC 047 0105 04 32 28 05 28 47 49 00 00
SC 048 0405 02 40 25 04 28 45 46 00 00
SC 049 0705 02 37 15 04 26 64 50 00 00
SC 050 020A 04 36 30 04 19 57 40 00 00
SC 051 0609 02 34 15 04 19 42 40 00 00
Combat # 18 ( Trap in East Sector ) Zone 7 Chapter 1-2 Enemies= 2
QA 064 0501 00 32 15 00 24 47 41 47 00 SKA51 BSW79 LCR92 QUA10 17.00
QP 065 0502 00 24 29 00 20 61 43 39 00 SKA65 BSW80
Combat # 28 ( East Sector (South) ) Zone 7 Chapter 3-7 Enemies= 3
PA 101 0206 04 79 50 05 30 62 66 00 83 BSW87 BRO72 RES02 DESP+HOCH+GRIE+MIND
PA 102 0506 07 80 53 04 24 62 52 00 88 LAM98 RED04 FLAM+SKYF+GRIE+MIND
PA 103 0304 02 73 65 05 24 58 55 00 77 BSW92 COL02 DESP+GIFT+SKYF+UNFO+FETT
Combat # 40 ( South of East Waterfall ) Zone 7 Chapter 7-7 Enemies= 5
QP 151 0106 06 31 19 02 15 70 37 58 00 DPA75 TAP96 RTT03
QP 152 0607 04 28 28 04 13 61 43 59 00 DPA60 TAP65
GF 153 0205 06 41 28 05 19 64 56 59 00 EAR100 KIN87 DIA21
GF 154 0305 05 38 35 05 23 49 62 52 00 DPA70 KIN82 RTT01 51.00
GF 155 0603 07 32 33 04 23 66 57 54 00 DPA95 KIN98 LEW02 RTT01 27.00
Combat # 44 ( North of East Bridge ) Zone 7 Chapter 7-7 Enemies= 4
SC 171 0106 03 23 28 04 19 55 44 00 00
SC 172 0405 02 38 22 05 21 61 46 00 00
SC 173 0705 02 38 22 05 27 50 42 00 00
SC 174 040A 03 32 29 04 24 54 44 00 00