"Your journey disagrees with you."
GORATH: Your husband has at last returned.

CULLICH: Husband? How so? Clan leader? By what right? Upon a time you held all those titles with dignity and honor. Around you, the Clan Ardanien was curled like a golden dragon, ready to rise up at your word and crush whatever lay in your path. Where is that dragon now? Why does it sleep?

GORATH: Cullich...is that all you dream of beneath your strange stars? A dead past? What value in all Murmandamus' speeches did we gain but to learn that we are weak? What spirit did we discover in defeat except that we corrupt from within? The time has come to blunt our blades and look to our own, to put down the monsters that we have become.

CULLICH: What destiny would you have of the moredhel, Gorath? Should we bend our heads to the earth once more, enslave ourselves to the will of the Eledhel who live in Elvandar much as we trembled beneath the Valheru in black centuries past? Their Queen Aglaranna will not accept us back into the fold as family, but instead as slaves. You've seen our brethren that have returned to them. What are they but gelded bulls in elven servitude?

GORATH: I know not whether they rejoice or weep under their midnight stars, but their children grow to great ages, they trade freely under the Kingdom sun. We must fight for so little as a loaf of bread and kill our cousins lest they steal our kits from their dreaming. It is time we became more than savages.

CULLICH: Why have you come here, Gorath? Surely not to debate a love that between us is dead.

GORATH: No...I need your help but for a short time longer and then I will be away and leave you to your own. So much I ask from my former wife. You then may be free to do as you see fit.

CULLICH: In the name of one I loved once, I listen and I will do as I can. Speak, Gorath.


GORATH: We need of you a scrying. What road will lead us to safety?

CULLICH: I needn't consult the stars for your answer, for I have looked upon it for days since you left. Delekhan masses on the Kingdom's borders, the banners of the Clans Krieda, Dargelas, and Oeirdu flutter on the fields near Raglam. I would seek no passage south through the Teeth that leads by the Kingdom fortresses of Northwarden or Highcastle; doubtless Narab shall be at their head.

GORATH: Narab has turned on the old wolf. Sar-Sargoth is encircled with his clan. He shall not trouble us.

CULLICH: Nonetheless, the armies are gathering and you will find none among them friends. Neither may you pass across the Great Northern Mountains through Moraelin. Moraeulf works with The Six to ensure that none of the former clans of the Green Heart may escape through the fringes of Elvandar.

GORATH: Lims-Kragma feast on his soul! He believes if we cannot run, we will join his accursed march?!

CULLICH: Again, your only means of escape lies along the Inclindel. For whatever reason, the Six have allowed the snows to lift. Perhaps they are otherwise occupied focusing their magics.


GORATH: These Six who now serve Delekhan, from what clan do they arise? Perhaps their loyalties may be reversed.

CULLICH: They are mighty in their arts, husband, far beyond even my powers. They claim the ancient title of Spellweavers, though they are vastly different from those of our magical cousins in Elvandar. Some suspect they hail of the serpent people, but long it has been since I touched the mind of those folk in the Northlands.


GORATH: I thank you for saving our lives. Without your assistance my companion and I would have perished under Delekhan's hand.

CULLICH: I would not wish your death, but I am not to thank for your recent escape. Why would you think me a part of it?

GORATH: Magic was involved. While we were captive, someone released us from our bonds. I had assumed you were responsible.

CULLICH: Someone else acts in your favor, Gorath. It was not I. I should question who it is and what their motives for doing so would be.


GORATH: If we are to slip undetected through the Inclindel, we may require your skills of illusion. One such as you summoned when I first escaped Delekhan's men.

CULLICH: You know not what you ask... That spell was great in its fashioning and left of my power nothing for a month! I cannot follow where you go for I believe yours is a coward's path!

Owyn fidgeted.

Unable to pick meanings out of the harsh-sounding moredhel tongue, he nonetheless understood the tone of the conversation between Gorath and the strange moredhel woman. Whatever they were saying, they weren't in agreement.

"She will speak with you," Gorath snapped, his face flushed with rage as he stalked to the window. "Listen to what she says."

"But how will I understand what she's saying?" Owyn said. "I don't know moredhel."

"Weyoda aldeweynn," Cullich whispered. Gliding to his side, she gently took his hand and began to stroke it. "Weyoda aldeweynn, Owynna... You will understand."

It seemed days had passed.

"What happened?" Owyn shook his head and was shocked to find himself lying on the ground. Above him, Gorath and Cullich were watching with intense interest as he regained consciousness. "What kind of spell did you cast on me?"

"What you have been taught is special," Cullich replied, helping Owyn to his feet. "You will now understand all I speak to you and you will also find your skills as a spellcrafter are much greater than they were before. Walk around a bit. My husband and I have more to discuss."


GORATH: If we should encounter Moraeulf and The Six, I should like to be better prepared to meet him.

CULLICH: There is a spell I crafted once that I may teach the boy. It is an illusion which bends the perceptions of those nearby in such a way that they cannot see you for who you truly are. Instead, you are seen as a resident of the area which you wish to enter. It has been specifically tailored for the town of Harlech, perhaps of use to you when you deal with Moraeulf. If you have 800 silver I may teach it to Owyn, or an equal sum in gold that I might buy the silver I require.

GORATH: You would charge us for this?

CULLICH: While I would be within my rights to do so, I require silver because it is needed for the fashioning of the spell. Do you have the coin?

YES (enough) YES (not enough) NO
GORATH: The money is yours. Do what must be done.

CULLICH: Very well.

Owyn, please come here for a moment.

OWYN: I'm not going to end up unconscious on the floor again, am I?

CULLICH: You shall remain on your feet throughout the whole lesson. We shall begin.

Time passed. His head swimming with the details of the spell, Owyn repeated the cantrip line by line back to Cullich. When she seemed satisfied he had learned all its details, she nodded her head. "You have learned well," she said. "Go and rest for a few moments."

GORATH: It is more than we can pay. We shall have to find the silver.

CULLICH: As it must be. I am sure I shall not have forgotten it before you return.

GORATH: For that fee, we could buy the loyalty of Moraeulf's guards. We cannot cast off funds as if they were so much chaff.

CULLICH: So be it. Choose as you must.


OWYN: Are there any other spells you could teach me? I might feel a little more comfortable making this trip if we were better prepared. Do you have any spells that we can defend ourselves with?

CULLICH: There is one that I might teach you. Again, I will require silver of you.

OWYN: I expected as much. How much will you need?

CULLICH: Three thousand silver pieces should serve my purposes. Is it a price you are willing to pay?

YES (enough) YES (not enough) NO
OWYN: Agreed. Will it be the same as the other lessons?

CULLICH: Very much so, but I shall require you close your eyes this time. Now concentrate.

Time passed. His head swimming with the details of the spell, Owyn repeated the cantrip line by line back to Cullich. When she seemed satisfied he had learned all its details, she nodded her head. "You have learned well," she said. "Go and rest for a few moments."

OWYN: We don't have that much money with us.

CULLICH: If you return, I can still teach it to you.

OWYN: Too much. We could probably better prepare ourselves buying armor for that price.

CULLICH: I think you shall change your mind, young human, but it is as you will.

Gorath motioned to the figure across the room.

The woman nodded, then made her way across the wooden floor until she was standing before them.

CULLICH: Delekhan's Six are searching for you, but I cannot guarantee how much longer I can hold their searchers at bay. Speak quickly.