[not reliable]

If not for the crude diagrams which accompanied the text, most of the book would have been largely incomprehensible, the majority of the words misspelled, inaccurate, or so obscure that [James] had never heard of them. Despite the book's shortcomings, he was able to learn quite a bit about the basic repair and maintenance of weapons and armor. In a crude addendum. there was also a hastily scrawled list with useful information:

It has ben fount that certane substinsayes can be appleyed to rmur to countervoid the effects of poyzins used by an oponunt. In the folowin list, the first itum of a pare can be uzed on rmur two counter uffects of the secund item of the pare.

  • Silvurthoarn Aunty-Dote and Silvurthoarn Poizun
  • Sariksbane and Silvur Spider Poizun
  • Flame Rut and Naptha ignightud blade
  • Dragun Stone and Steal fired enchanted blade
  • Sariksbane and Frostud Blade (I think maid by Althifain's Icer?)
  • Clearikal Oilcloth and Clearikal Oilcloth
  • Kiliun's Rut Oil and Kiliun's Rut Oil