BLUE indicates a Fighter, an Enemy that can only harm you, if he's standing next to you.
PURPLE indicates an Archer, an Enemy that can do you non-magical harm from a distance. This includes Rock-Throwers (Trolls/Giants), Spitters (Wyverns) and Slingers (Panth Tiandns). Most Archers are also Fighters. Some are Spellcasters as well.
YELLOW indicates a Spellcaster or a Magical Attacker, who can MAGICALLY harm you from a distance. Most of these are also Fighters or Archers.
GREEN is only used to mark exceptions. These will be obvious.
RED DAMAGE indicates the necessary Damage (Health+Stamina) you need to inflict in order to kill an Enemy. Most Enemy Types have a distinct Range of DAMAGE NEEDED TO DIE, which is a pretty accurate index of their toughness. This Range is shown here in RED. However, there are a few instances where an Enemy's DAMAGE NEEDED TO DIE is widely separated from the normal Range. These instances are shown in GREY. Mostly these are [1], meaning that the Enemy is practically dead. In order to understand the colour-coding, please take a look at the first Enemy Type below, the MOREDHEL WARRIOR:
Damage: [1] [34] 42 - 78 [103]
This means: In order to kill Moredhel Warriors (be they Fighters or Archers), you
need to inflict Damage within the range of 42 - 78. There are three exceptions:
In one case a Moredhel is on his last legs, meaning that Damage[1] will kill him.
Another Moredhel is weaker than most - Damage[34] will do him in.
One special Moredhel is unusually healthy - needing Damage[103] in order to die.
Moredhel Warrior MF/MA Fighter/Archer Total = 436 [258/178] Damage: [1] [34] 42 - 78 [103]
Moredhel Spellcaster MS Total = 45 Damage: 32 - 70 [130] [131]
Rogue RG/RA Fighter/Archer Total = 189 [133/56] Damage: 35 - 79
Rogue Mage RM Total = 18 Damage: [1] 47 - 71
Quegian Pirate QP/QA Fighter/Archer Total = 120 [65/55] Damage: 35 - 75
Goblin GF/GA Fighter/Archer Total = 126 [91/35] Damage: 56 - 79
Nighthawk NH/NA/NV Fighter/Archer/Navon Total = 65 [31/33/1] Damage: 45 - 90 [130]
Black Slayer BS/BA Fighter/Archer Total = 15 [7/8] Damage: 67 - 93
Beasthound BH Total = 41 Damage: 45 - 83
Spider SP Total = 26 Damage: [1] 47 - 73
Scorpion SC Total = 54 Damage: 42 - 67
Nethermander NM Total = 17 Damage: 164 - 179
Brak Nurr BN Total = 2 Damage: 168 - 182
Dread DR Total = 2 Damage: 220
Wind Elemental EL Total = 4 Damage: Strength 17 - 30
Servitor of Lims-Kragma LK Total = 1 Damage: 260
Nago NG Total = 1 Damage = 90
Makala MK Total = 1 Damage = 260
Highland Ogre OH Total = 23 Damage: 101 - 120
Sentinel Ogre OS Total = 35 Damage: [1] [1] 87-113
Pantathian PA Total = 52 Damage: 111 - 148
Panth Tiandn PT Total = 75 Damage = 101 - 138
Witch Hag HA Total = 46 Damage: 42-59 [73]
Troll TR Total = 64 Damage: 98 - 131
Rusalka RU Total = 20 Damage: 43 - 68 [98]
Shade SH Total = 42 Damage: 55 - 90
Cave Giant GC Total = 5 Damage: 121 - 150
Deep Giant
Never seen in the game.
Rime Giant GR Total = 4 Damage: 134 - 150
Tor Giant GT Total = 5 Damage: 125 - 146
Bulldrake Wyvern WB Total = 32 Damage: [18] 75 - 105
Grandsire Wyvern WG Total = 24 Damage: 70 - 102
Hatchling Wyvern WH Total = 4 Damage: 54 - 85
Tsurani Spellweaver SW Total = 6 Damage: 116 - 135